Fly High July!

Wednesday, July 02, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 77 to 78 |

JULY 1, 2014:
We are excited about this month. I know great things will happen this month and it could be also my last month here in Catanduanes. We had our lunch at Bro. Albert's house. He and his family are also nice to us. The second day of the blackout. There's still no electricity today but we still share the gospel. We had candlelight lessons at night. Haha. It's nice. We also had a new part member investigator today. Her name is Chin Chin and she is a part of the Santelices Family. She's a smart kid. 😊

Front | Isaiah & Julius
Back | Elijah, Unknown kid, me, and Keturah

JULY 2, 2014:
Three days straight blackout. No worries. We still doing our missionary purpose. It's challenging but we are enduring it. 💪 These past few days we had new member presents in our lessons. They are Bro. Steven and Sis. Jercil. They are also nice and easy to get along with. We had 11 lessons today. I think that's our highest in one day as a companionship. One of them is with a young man named Ezekiel. We taught him about missionary work and he said he also wanted to be a missionary someday. I really hope he will and we will help him as long as we are here. He is a good kid. Elder Bacalso and I are really stepping it up lately. We're both happy doing it. 😊 The real challenge during blackouts is the mosquitos. Luckily we are dead tired at the end of the day and we can sleep easily.

with Sagrada Kids (Some of them are recent converts of the missionaries assigned here before and the others are our part member investigators)
Back | E. Bacalso, sibling of Ezekiel, Hazel, Angie, Me, and Keturah
Front | "Mentogol", Isaiah, Elijah, and Ezekiel
with Ezekiel


Notable moments of July 1 to 2:
  • Blackout - Day 2
  • Lunch at Villamartin Family
  • Candlelight lessons
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Lovely T. - 2 Nep 9:50-51
    • Angie - D&C 84:19-20
    • Anjo - 3 Nep 24:8-10
    • Patrick - 2 Nep 31:17
    • Rosalie - 1 Nep 3:7
    • Elijah - 1 Nep 7
    • Ezekiel - D&C 42:22
    • Steven - Obedience
    • Jercil - Fast Offering
    • Chin Chin (NI)
  • Blackout - Day 3
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Lovely T. - D&C 59:9-10
    • Sis. Chrisaly - 2 Nep 31:17
    • Sis. Myrna - D&C 130:20-21
    • Ezekiel - Alma 42:31
    • Anjo - Omni 1:26
    • Angie - Alma 42:31
    • Patrick - Mosiah 8:16-18
    • Chin Chin - L1 P3-P4
    • Elijah - 1 Nephi 8
    • Gonzales Siblings - Obey and Honor the Law

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