Our Best Week Together

Sunday, July 06, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 81 to 82 |

JULY 5, 2014:
We already exceeded the SoE this week. We are in a three consecutive SoEs right now! 😃 We had 10 lessons and a new part member investigator today. She is Sis. Melinda, the sister of Bro. Rene (Second counselor). Today was also our last day in Sitio Tondo and some parts of Sagrada because of the area realignment. I'll miss teaching the Ara Family, Santelices Family, Toltol Family, and our other investigators there. Our area in San Vicente will also be expanded a little bit.

with Chin Chin
(L to R) Jercil, Nanay Lydia Ara, Me, and Dodong
(L to R) Jercil, Me, and Dodong
(L to R) Jercil, Me, Dodong, and Gina

JULY 6, 2014:
This is my best week so far together with my companion, Elder Bacalso. We had 45 total lessons this week and 10 of our investigators attended the sacrament meeting! 😄 New and returning members who attend the sacrament is always consistently high. We had our ups and downs before but we're really on fire these past three weeks. Our hard work is paying off. 😌

We received shocking news at night. The A.P.s called us on the phone and they told me that my companion will be emergency transferred! I was shocked. 😲 The first thing that came in my mind was probably he will become a leader in his new area because of our hard work lately. If that's the case I am so happy for him. He deserved it. 😀 Hopefully, it will.


Notable moments of July 5 to 6:
  • SoE achieved
  • "Last" pictures in Sitio Tondo before realignment
  • We taught:
    • Angie - Eternal Marriage
    • Chin Chin - L1 P5-P6
    • Sis. Melanie - Pray often
    • Sis. Lovely T. - Baptism & Confirmation
    • Sis. Mary Rose T. - Book of Mormon
    • Sis. Joy - L2
    • Sis. Laila - Pray often
    • Tuquero Siblings - Obey and Honor the Law
    • Santelices Family - D&C 25:12
    • Sis. Melinda (NI)
  • 3 consecutive SoE weeks
  • 45 Total lessons this week
  • 10 IASM
  • We taught:
    • Janine - BIQ
    • Ivy - Prayer
    • Sis. Laila - TPNL
    • Sis. Lovely - TPNL
    • Sis. Mary Rose - Mosiah 2:22
    • Chin Chin - L1 P7-P8
    • Santelices Family - 3 Nephi 13:31-34
    • Anjo - Sabbath Day
    • Gonzales Siblings - Priesthood & Auxillaries
  • A.P. phonecall
    • Elder Bacalso will be emergency transferred

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