Our Highest Peak

Sunday, July 27, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 101 to 103 |

JULY 25, 2014:
This is the most productive day so far in my mission. We proselyted for 10 hours and we had 18 lessons just for today! We filled up all the key indicators and we're happy for the fruits of our labor. 😃 Short and powerful lessons are the key to the guidance of the Holy Ghost. We also met a lot of new investigators. We have progressing investigators that are leaning towards baptism. So far they are Francis, Digs, and Reynan. I hope it will be consistent.

JULY 26, 2014:
We did WPS in the morning for us to be prepared for next week. We proselyted in the afternoon and we met a new family investigator. They are the Castillo Family. They are a referral from the members. They are receptive and nice and I hope they will continue to receive us. 😊

The Zone Leaders are in San Vicente also. They have companionship exchanges with the other Elders. Maybe this is the last time that we'll see Elder Leal. He'll go home very soon, finish his mission and return with honor. He gave me an SR and it is a cool gray pants.

(Left) July 26 - Dinner with the ZLs
(Right) July 27 - Elder Aguilando and Me

JULY 27, 2014:
It was a rainy Sunday. We need to wear jackets to church. When it is raining continuously it affected the attendance in the church because many members are from Sagrada. Sometimes the flood is a serious problem in there, especially in the bridge. It is not passable sometimes.

Because of the continuously rain and floods we just proselyted nearby. Overall, we had a superb week this week. We had baptisms and 46 total lessons. I think that's my highest and my companionship with Elder Aguilando are doing really great so far. 😃 We just need to be consistent. 😎


Notable moments of July 25 to 27:
  • We taught:
    • Calderon Family - Pray often | 2 Nephi 32:8-9
    • Sis. Lovely T. - Missionary Work | Mosiah 28:3
    • Pablo - L1 P3-P4
    • Liezel - Obedience | 1 Nephi 3:7
    • Julius - Fasting | Omni 1:26
    • Elijah - 1 Nephi 11
    • Kristine Joy - Teaching and Learning in the Church | D&C 88:77-79
    • Angie - Teaching and Learning in the Church | D&C 88:77-79
    • Anjo - Obey and Honor the Law
    • Patrick - Word of Wisdom
    • Joan - L1 P3-P4
    • Daisy - Tithing and Fast Offering
    • Raynan & Malonzo - L1 P3-P4
    • Francis - Book of Mormon
    • Tuquero Siblings - Endure to the End
    • Sis. Kristine B. - L1 P3-P6
    • Sis. Laila - Follow the Prophet
    • Mariano & Edita Trinidad with Elisa Castillo (NIs)
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Joy G. - L3
    • Castillo Family (NIs)
    • Ezekiel - Temples and Family History
    • Liezel - Pray often
    • Julius - Obey and Honor the Law
    • Hutch John (NI)
  • Dinner with ZLs
    • Elder Leal's SR
  • Rainy Day
  • We taught:
    • Tuquero Siblings - L1
    • Francis - L2 Q1
    • Sis. Laila - 10 Commandments
    • Bryan - Pray often
  • Great week overall! 😃

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