Tropical Storm: Glenda

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 90 to 92 |

JULY 14, 2014:
Our other housemate Elders is in Virac right now for their travels because of MLT. They invited us to go with them before they left and I respectfully declined. I don't want unnecessary travels right now and besides, it's P-Day today. We want to relax and prepare for this week. 😎

JULY 15, 2014:
Storm signal #3 in Catanduanes!! There are heavy rains and strong winds all day. Some of the nearby houses and trees are starting to break. 😱 The electricity also went off. We are stuck in our apartment. Luckily, we have a 72-hour kit.

JULY 16, 2014:
It is still storming. We are still stuck in our apartment with nothing to do. It's a dark day and no electricity. Because of our boredom, my companion taught me how to play chess. He's good at it.


Notable moments of this July 14 to 16:
  • P-Day, Free Day
  • Tropical Storm Glenda
    • Signal #3
  • No electricity - Day 1
  • Still storming
  • No electricity - Day 2
  • Learned to play chess

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