Baptism: Ivy Venice Tuquero & Janine Tuquero

Thursday, July 24, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 100 |

JULY 24, 2014:
The long wait is over! 😃 There's a lot of postponement because of the interview's schedule and the recent typhoon and today it finally happens! Sis. Ivy and Sis. Janine got baptized and we are all happy for them especially our loving Heavenly Father. 😄 Elder Bacalso and I first met them more than a month ago. They transferred to this town because of studies and they are both relatives of our Branch President's wife. I know it was also our Heavenly Father's plan that they got here. When Elder Bacalso got transferred, I and Elder Aguilando continued teaching them and they are really interested in the gospel. They are also reading the Book of Mormon.

They are both consistently progressing investigators before they got baptized. Sis. Ivy is really attentive when we are teaching them. She's also smart and consistently read the assignments that we are leaving them. Her sister, Sis. Janine is somewhat the shy one but she is responding well when we are asking her about the lessons. She's also smiling most of the time. She's a happy kid. They are both great investigators. 😊

We rode a motorboat together with some members and investigators.
Many people attended including their friends and relatives.
It's my very first time to baptize in the sea.
I had the privilege to baptize both of them.
(L to R) E. Aguilando, Ivy, Janine, and Me.
Elder Aguilando and I are really happy for them.
(L to R) Nanay Trining, Sis. Hilda, Sis. April with her daughter, Princess, Robert, Ivy, Sheila, E. Aguilando, Janine, E. Feraer, Bro. Ronnie, and Sis. Myrna
(L to R) Sis. Nini, Sis. Hilda, Robert, Nanay Trining, Marian, Sis. April with her daughter, E. Feraer, Janine, Princess, Ivy, Sheila, E. Aguilando, and Sis. Myrna
Ivy and Janine friends

I'm really happy that Ivy and Janine got baptized. 😊 They also set a good example for their friends and I know they will also be good members of the church and a great example to others. Having many members attend and investigators are really fun too. I know Ivy and Janine felt their love and support. 😊


Notable moments of this day:
  • Ivy & Janine Baptism

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