Branch Home Evening: Virac

Saturday, October 18, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 185 to 186 |

OCTOBER 17, 2014:
We can't travel through the sea because there's no boat to ride to. The waves are raging hard. The Zone Leaders found another solution and fortunately, the couple missionaries (the Wilcox) are in Catanduanes right now and they pick us up in San Vicente. Their car (Ford Ranger I think) is strong enough to survive the rocky, muddy, and difficult road of Bagamanoc. Like my experiences before, it was a super bumpy ride. My companion had a bad stomach and threw up along the way. We are thankful to Elder and Sister Wilcox for the ride.

OCTOBER 18, 2014:
We attended the Branch Home Evening in Virac District Center. The Zone Leaders invited us. It is also a sendoff party for Elder Centeno. He served here in Virac for a long time. He is here in Catanduanes longer than me. The Virac branch loves him and I can tell that they are all thankful for his services here. It was kinda awkward for me at first because I only knew a few members of Virac. As time goes by, I enjoyed the activity and we are all having fun.

After the activity, we went to Food Trip Resto and I became generous for tonight and treat them to dinner. This is my last Food Trip with my companion and Elder Centeno who will be going home and finish his mission very soon. It was a fun night overall. 😀

(L to R) E. Fifita, me, E. Aguilando, and E. Centeno


Notable moments of October 17 to 18:
  • Bumpy ride to Virac
  • "Kinda lost moment - Deadend"
  • Virac Branch Home Evening
    • Elder Centeno's Farewell Party
  • Foodtrip with the ZLs & my companion

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