First Born in the Wilderness

Friday, October 24, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 191 to 192 |

OCTOBER 23, 2014:
Touchdown Catanduanes! My new companion was excited to arrive in our area but it won't happen today because of the limited transportation to Bagamanoc. We have to wait and stay in Virac today and leave tomorrow morning. I told him that he is the first missionary ever to be trained in San Vicente. He also met our Zone Leaders (Elder Pulido & Elder Fifita). This day was tiring because of the hot weather and long travels. We only rest a little bit because the ZLs invited us to work with them. I worked with our new Z.L., Elder Pulido. We tract and tract in the streets of Virac at night. I'm really exhausted but it was fun. It's nice to have a chance and to know our new ZL right away. He is a nice missionary and I can see that he is a hard worker. It was a long and tiring day today and I can't wait to be back in San Vicente. I was away from my area for exactly one week. I miss San V!

with Elder Bongolan
Elder Agustin and Elder Benson
with Elder Bongolan at San Andres Port

OCTOBER 24, 2014:
Finally! We're in San Vicente now! 😃 The waves are kinda strong today but I'm happy that Elder Bongolan enjoyed his first ride. After I introduced him to our housemates and ate lunch, I told him that he can rest first. I won't force my tired companion to work right away and our situation is different from others because of the long travels. Around 4 or 5pm we went out and I introduced him to our Branch President and then to some members of our branch. We also did our first daily planning at night. I also orient him about our area and our teaching pool. Tomorrow will be our first full day to proselyte and we're both excited about it. 😀

The first boat ride of Elder Bongolan.


Notable moments of October 23 to 24:
  • My trainee arrives in Catanduanes
  • I met and worked with our new ZL, Elder Pulido
  • Night tracting at Virac
  • Back in San Vicente after a week
  • Introduced E. Bongolan to some members of SV Branch

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