Teach People, Not Lessons

Saturday, October 25, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 193 |

OCTOBER 25, 2014:
Because of being away for a whole week and I became a Trainer, I almost forgot that I am also a District Leader. 😅 I prepared my workshop early in the morning and we had a District Meeting today. This was also Elder Bongolan's very first district meeting in PLM. Today's topic was "Teach People, Not Lessons". It is about focusing on the needs of the learners (the people we teach). As a missionary, we must never obscure their view of our savior Jesus Christ by standing in the way or by shadowing the lesson with self-promotion or self-interest.

We must seek to understand those we teach. We must understand their background, interest, and needs. We should also ask inspired questions, listen to them carefully, and observe what they say and do in different situations. We must also pray before we teach, to invite the spirit and help us and the learners to teach and understand better. The more we understand the people we teach, the more we can help them see how the gospel will help their lives.

In my experience so far. Week Planning Session and daily planning at night was a big help to start. We can analyze and understand what the people in our teaching pool needs. We could also use the Personal Study time for the people we plan on that day. Christlike missionaries are not committed to a particular style or method, they are committed to helping people build faith in Jesus Christ and become more like Him.

San Vicente District | Elder Bongolan, Elder Feraer, Elder Irabon, and Elder Abuel

I know that being a District Leader and a Trainer at the same time is challenging. But with the help of the companionship of the Holy Ghost and becoming united with my companion, I will get used to it and I can do it. We also had Branch Home Evening at night and it was fun. It's a good day overall. 😊


Notable moments of this day:
  • San Vicente District Meeting XVI
    • Teach People, Not Lessons
  • San Vicente Branch Home Evening

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