General Conference: October 2014

Sunday, October 12, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 179 to 180 |

OCTOBER 11, 2014:
Today is the start of the General Conference. My district mates and I helped Pres. Molina in setting up the projector and the other stuff that we will be all using for tomorrow, so all the members and investigators here in our area will not travel to Virac anymore. More opportunities to watch for tomorrow's Sunday session. After we set it up, we also download and watch the Priesthood Saturday session. These are the memorable ones that I like and learned from our leaders today.

  • Elder Quentin L. Cook (Apostle) said that our daily conduct and choices should be consistent with our goals. We need to rise above rationalizations and distractions. It is especially important to make choices consistent with our covenants to serve Jesus Christ in righteousness. We must choose wisely. 
  • Elder Craig C. Christensen (Seventy) said that now is the time and today is the day to learn or reaffirm for ourselves that the gospel is true. Each of us has important work to do. To accomplish that work, and to be protected from worldly influences that seem to be constantly looming, we must have the faith of Alma, Nephi, and young Joseph Smith to obtain and develop our own testimony. When I was in Cavite ward I only have borrowed testimony, and as time goes on, especially at the time when I have a desire to serve as a full-time missionary it grew more. And now, when I became a missionary my testimony became stronger and I develop my own through my life experiences. 

After we watched the priesthood session, we invited all the members and investigators again to attend and watch the conference tomorrow. They will learn a lot from our living prophet, Thomas S. Monson, the apostles, and all the leaders of the church. They are all inspired by God and through our living prophet, we can receive guidance from our loving Heavenly Father.

OCTOBER 12, 2014:
Today is the General Conference Sunday session. It has morning and afternoon part. Many members attend both sessions. The morning session was a tagalized dub. Personally, I'm not a fan of it because it takes away the emotion but it is more understandable to most people in the Philippines that's why it's a good option too. The afternoon session was not tagalized so I felt it more. These are the memorable ones that I like and learned from our leaders today.

  • President Thomas S. Monson (Prophet) said that as we strive to place Christ at the center of our lives by learning His words, by following His teachings, and by walking in His path, He has promised to share with us the eternal life that He died to gain. There is no higher end than this, that we should choose to accept His discipline and become His disciples and do His work throughout our lives.
  • Elder Richard G. Scott (Apostle) said that prayer, scripture study, family home evening, temple attendance are the tools that will help us come unto Christ and exercise faith in His atonement. These four tools are fundamental habits for securing our life in the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He is the Prince of Peace. Peace in this mortal life comes from His atoning sacrifice. When we are consistently praying morning and night, studying our scriptures daily, having weekly family home evenings, and attending the temple regularly, we are actively responding to His invitation to come unto Him. The more we develop these habits, the more anxious is Satan to harm us but the less is his ability to do so. Through the use of these tools, we exercise our agency to accept the full gifts of His atoning sacrifice.
  • Elder David A. Bednar (Apostle) said to non-members of the Church (investigators) that the Church of Jesus Christ always has been and always will be a missionary church. Latter-day Saints take seriously this responsibility to teach all people in all nations about the Lord Jesus Christ and His restored gospel. We believe the same Church founded by the Savior anciently has been reestablished on the earth by Him in the latter days. The doctrine, principles, priesthood authority, ordinances, and covenants of His gospel are found today in His Church. When we invite you to attend church with us or to learn with the full-time missionaries, we are not trying to sell you a product. As members of the Church, we do not receive prizes or bonus points in a heavenly contest. We are not seeking simply to increase the numerical size of the Church. And most importantly, we are not attempting to coerce you to believe as we do. We are inviting you to hear the restored truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ so you can study, ponder, pray, and come to know for yourself if the things we are sharing with you are true.

Sons of Bro. Albert and Sis. April Villamartin
Elder Aguilando, Elder Feraer, Elder Abuel, and Elder Irabon


Notable moments of October 11 to 12:
  • Set-up the viewing materials for the General Conference
  • Priesthood Session
  • Invited all the members and investigators
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Clemente - Living Prophet
  • Dinner at Garcia Family
  • General Conference - October 2014
    • Morning Session
    • Afternoon Session
  • We taught:
    • Ivy - Living Prophet
    • Janine - Scripture importance
    • Emmalyn - L1 P3-P6
    • Rica - L2 Q1
    • Francis - Living Prophet

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