Proselyting Bike

Thursday, October 02, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 169 to 170 |

OCTOBER 1, 2014:
We had a good day in missionary work. We filled up all the key indicators for today. We had a new investigator and he is the brother of our Branch Mission Leader. I hope he'll progress.

OCTOBER 2, 2014:
We went to Virac again. There will be a Zone Training and interviews tomorrow. President Guanzon will come to Catanduanes. We ate lunch at Food Trip together with the Zone Leaders and San Andres Elders. We did our P-Day city stuff today. At night, I volunteered to go with Elder Centeno to buy our dinner. I wanted to go because I want to experience their new proselyting bikes. I really wanted to try this before. 😅

Riding a bike with E. Centeno


Notable moments of October 1 to 2:
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Joy S. - Baptism & Confirmation
    • Castillo Siblings - Teachings and Learning in the Church
    • Patrick - Tithing and Fast Offering
    • Ezekiel - Endure to the end
    • Kristine - Eternal Marriage
    • Zaldy Interior (NI)
  • Food Trip Lunch
    • with ZLs and San Andres Elders
  • Riding a bike
    • with Elder Centeno

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