Last Day with Elder Aguilando

Sunday, October 19, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 187 |

OCTOBER 19, 2014:
We attended the sacrament meeting in Virac. I think this is my second or third time to attend here. Some members of the San Vicente branch who are studying in Virac were also present. This is also the last whole day of my companionship with my friend, Elder Aguilando. The Lopez siblings treated us to lunch at Finn & Grill. They only found out that my companion will be transferred tomorrow. It's my first time eating there and it is also nice. We're thankful for their generosity.

(L to R) Sis. Shane, E. Centeno, E. Fifita, and Sis. Matet
Left: Sis. Matet & E. Fifita | Right: Sis. Shane & E. Fifita
with Elder Centeno
E. Aguilando and E. Centeno
Left: me and E. Centeno | Right: E. Aguilando and E. Centeno
Catanduanes Zone Leaders: E. Fifita and E. Centeno

In the afternoon we went to the Relocation site. There's a small group of members there and we helped the branch leader and the Zone Leaders to administer the sacrament. They are a bunch of happy people in attendance and I know they will become a branch or even a ward someday. There's really good potential in there.

We had a great time today. It's awesome that I experience attending two sacrament meetings on the same day. We spent the evening at the Bato Elders apartment. The nice member family that we met before also gave us dinner. They are all thankful to Elder Agbayani. They said that they will miss him.

Before we slept, I traded neckties with my companion and we wrote to each other B.R. I also gave B.R. page to Elder Agbayani because he will be transferred too. It was a long day. I'm thankful for all the experiences I had with Elder Aguilando, we had many fun moments and adventures together as a companionship. I also learned something from him that will help me as a missionary. I know we will see each other again because we're batchmates and I wish him all the best in his next area. 😊


Notable moments of this day:
  • Sacrament Meeting at Virac District Center
  • Sacrament Meeting at Relocation
  • Lunch at Finn & Grill
  • Dinner at Bato
  • Last whole day with Elder Aguilando

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