Trainer's Training

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 189 |

OCTOBER 21, 2014:
We had Trainer's training today and I have 3 batchmates that will train new missionaries too! It's always awesome every time I see my batchmates. We talked about how fast the mission is and we're on our 10th month now. We're all happy for each other. 😀 We learned a lot during our workshop and it will help us to become good Trainers.

We also saw and heard all the testimonies of all the departing missionaries. Elder Pesidas found out that I'm assigned in San Vicente and he told me that he was also assigned there before and he wants to send his regards to some of the members of our branch. It feels like he also enjoyed his stay in San Vicente.

Today was also the last time that I saw and be with Elder Centeno. He is one of the most influential missionary leaders to me besides my trainer, Elder Nielsen, and my former Zone Leader, Elder Yu. He had some really good advice for me in terms of leadership and I will treasure and apply it during my remaining time here in the mission field. He's a great leader. I also consider him as one of my friends here in Legazpi Mission. I wish him all the best in his life after this mission. Today was a good day overall. Time to rise up!

Blurry pic with my batchmates | E. Feraer, E. Savedra, S. Villeza, and S. Atienza
with Elder Pesidas
(L to R) E. Benson, E. Centeno, and me


Notable moments of this day:
  • Trainer's Training
    • Batchmate Trainers: Sister Villeza, Sister Atienza, and Elder Savedra
  • Elder Centeno's last night

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