10th Month in the Mission

Monday, October 20, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 188 |

OCTOBER 20, 2014:
We woke up very early because we have a lot and long travels today. E. Agbayani, E. Aguilando, and I traveled to Tabaco together with E. Benson. While E. Peterson stayed in San Andres. Elder Benson became my temporary companion until our new companion arrives in Legazpi. He will become a trainer too. Today was also my 10th month of being a missionary. Yay! 😀 It was a long and tiring day. Looking forward for tomorrow.

"This is the end" Elders 😂 | E. Feraer, E. Agbayani, E. Peterson, and E. Aguilando


Notable moments of this day:
  • 10 months in the mission
  • Lots of travel
  • Temporary companion - Elder Benson
  • Slept at Legazpi Elder's Apartment

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