Balance Training: Work and Studies

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 196 |

OCTOBER 28, 2014:
Last week we only had two days to proselyte because of events and travels outside our area. Now, it's time to get serious and do our best from now on. There is more time in studies now and less time in proselyting because my companion is in training but it doesn't mean we can't achieve SoE anymore. I want to balance it as much as possible while obeying the schedule. We just need a good plan and stick to it. Besides, I'm also the District Leader that's why I want our area and our district to set a good example to others.

We had a productive day today and we also met new potential progressing investigators through referrals. We also continued to re-engage and teach some of the part member families. It's also nice that my new companion is willing to learn just like me when I was in my training days. I know that I will also learn something good with him during this training. I can feel right now that we'll do something great during our time together. I'm optimistic about it.

(L to R) E. Bongolan, Sis. Lovely T., Bingay, and me

Elder Bongolan


Notable moments of this day:
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Lovely T. - 1 Nephi 13:22
    • Angie - 1 Nephi 6
    • Julius - Pray often
    • Abelardo Castillo Sr. (NI)
    • Abel - Eternal Marriage
    • Salvador Family - L2 Q1
    • Raymark Coral & John Michael Interior (NIs)
    • Renz - Book of Mormon
  • Lunch at Tejeresas-Candelaria Family

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