
Monday, October 27, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 194 to 195 |

OCTOBER 26, 2014:
It was a month ago since my birthday and I only received the letters and package that my family sent me these past few days. It is one of the downsides if you're assigned in a faraway area. Haha. It's alright as long as it arrives. 😄 At least once every transfer cycle (6 weeks), my parents are sending me letters and packages and I am really thankful for their effort, love, and support to me. Even though they are not members yet, they are really supportive of my decision to serve a full-time mission. They are all my inspiration for this journey. I am also thankful for all the blessings that are coming to my family. I miss them so much but I have to endure and do my purpose as a missionary for the greater good.

When I opened it, I'm surprised at some of the things that are inside. I'm really happy not just for the material things, but for the thought and love from it. My parents are the best! 😊 I also share some with each of my housemates. I always do this to whoever my housemate is, because sharing is caring. This was a good and blessed Sunday overall and today was also my first productive day with my new companion. 😀

OCTOBER 27, 2014:
First P-Day of Elder Bongolan and we spent most of our time cleaning and organizing our stuff in the room. I also displayed the wooden boat that the Garcia Family gave me. It was really nice. We also worked at night to start our first full week in a good way. It's a good start to our companionship and to my new missionary companion. 😊


Notable moments of October 26 to 27:
  • Opened my birthday package
  • First full teaching appointment of my companion
  • We taught:
    • Daisy - Eternal Marriage
    • Santelices Family - TPNL
    • Sis. Lovely T. - Endure to the end
    • Patrick - Sabbath Day
    • Anjo - Scripture Study
    • Angie - Pray often
    • Ezekiel - 1 Nephi 1
  • Organizing the desk and other stuff.
  • We taught:
    • Emmalyn - Book of Mormon
    • Ivy - Law of the land
    • Janine - Obey and honor the law
    • Rica - L2 Q2

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