Am I Getting Transferred?

Thursday, October 16, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 183 to 184 |

OCTOBER 15, 2014:
We had companionship exchanges today. I worked with Elder Abuel in our area while my companion and Elder Irabon in their area in Minaili. We had a productive day. Elder Abuel is also good at teaching. He talked clearly and always refer to scripture verses which are nice. We had a fun and productive day. 😁

OCTOBER 16, 2014:
The transfer announcement came in. They told us early so we can prepare as soon as possible because we're in the farthest area in the mission field. Am I getting transferred? Currently, I am more than six months here in San Vicente. We think that the logical one to be transferred is me. The answer is... No, my companion is going to be transferred. 😮 You can never really predict the announcements. We're all shocked. The other surprising part is when they told me that I'm going to train a new missionary next transfer cycle, so it means that I'm extended in San Vicente for 12 more weeks! Woah! I'll become a trainer. I really never expect that. 😲 No one ever trained in this area before because it is really far. I'll become the first-ever missionary to train here. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. 😅 I'm glad that I'll be staying here but kinda sad to part ways with Elder Aguilando. I know he is needed in his next area and I wish him all the best in his next assignment.

The Zone Leaders said that Elder Aguilando and I must go to Virac tomorrow. We dropped all of our plans today, so my companion will have time to pack his luggage and said goodbye to some families here in the San Vicente branch. The Toltol Family invited us for lunch and they prepared a delicious meal. It was really nice. Elder Irabon and Elder Abuel also came with us. We visited other families afterward and my companion bids his farewell to them. They all thank him for his service in the San Vicente branch and wish him luck in his next area. We also found a potential apartment in Sagrada.

Thank you Toltol Family! 😀
Delicious octopus dish. 😍
Elder Aguilando with the Toltol Family
Elder Aguilando with Daisy & Bro. Ronnie
Elder Aguilando with Tejeresas-Candelaria Family
Elder Aguilando with Lopez Family
Potential Sagrada apartment for me and my next companion.
Elder Aguilando and Bro. Albert Villamartin's Family
Elder Aguilando and Molina Family


Notable moments of October 15 to 16:
  • Companionship Exchanges with Elder Abuel I
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Joy S. & Bro. Gil G. - Eternal Marriage | 1 Corinthians 11:11
    • Sis. Lovely T. - Living Prophet | 1 Nephi 16:16
    • Sis. Lovely F. - L1 P5-P6
    • Tolin Siblings - Endure to the end
    • Daisy - Eternal Marriage
    • Salvador Family - L2 Q1
  • Transfer Announcement
    • Transferred: E. Aguilando
    • Trainer: E. Feraer
  • Lunch at Toltol Family
  • Found a potential apartment in Sagrada
  • Elder Aguilando bids his farewell in San Vicente branch

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