District Prayer

Friday, October 10, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 177 to 178 |

OCTOBER 9, 2014:
We had a District Meeting in the morning. I'm getting used to it. Creating a lesson plan for our District every week, conducting, and teaching them the weekly topic. I have good district mates so it made my calling/responsibility easier. We contacted another referral today and I can feel that they are willing to hear and learn the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are the Coral-Interior Family. We had a good day overall in missionary work.

OCTOBER 10, 2014:
First day of the house rule that I suggested yesterday during our meeting. We prayed together as a district. We will do it every 6:30 am when we wake up starting today. It will help us to be more united especially in obeying the mission rules of waking up early and do our exercise. All of my housemates agreed. 😊

My companion and I did a meaningful Weekly Planning Session. We also have a productive day in missionary work including an investigator referral. She's a relative of one of our progressing investigators. I hope she'll progress too. 

Our plan for next week.


Notable moments of October 9 to 10:
  • San Vicente District Meeting XV
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Mary Rose T. - Prayer | 2 Nephi 32:8-9
    • Angie - 1 Nephi 3
    • Anjo - Priesthood and Auxiliary
    • Lani Interior and Judy Ann Coral (NIs)
  • Start of District Prayer
  • Meaningful WPS
  • We taught:
    • Jercil - Prayer
    • Sis. Lovely T. - Follow the Prophet
    • Bro. Zaldy - L1 P3-P4
    • Salvador Family - Book of Mormon
    • Ivy - Tithing and Fast Offering
    • Janine - Tithing and Fast Offering
    • Francis - Endure to the end
    • Emmalyn Tapar (NI)

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