15th Month in the Mission

Friday, March 20, 2015

IROSIN | Day 25 to 26 |

MARCH 20, 2015:
FIFTEEN!! Today is my fifteenth month on the mission. 😃 We had a busy day. My companion and I decided to split for today to accommodate all of our scheduled appointments. I went with Bro. Porcado and together we went to Salvacion and Batang. The most memorable moment for me today was when we answered a question about the plural marriage practices of the past. The prophets of old times have practiced the God-given principle of plural marriage because 1 Corinthians 11:11. Since the great prophets of old had these wives we believe that they will have all of them in eternity. Ecclesiastes 3:14 It is also noted that His ways are greater than ours. Isaiah 55:8-9 

MARCH 21, 2015:
No proselyting/missionary work for today. My companion got sick and Sister Guanzon advised him to rest. Maybe he got sick because of the unstable weather these past several days. We are also working extra hard consistently and maybe it put a toll on his body. He definitely deserved to take a time out, heal, and rest. Health is more important right now.

While my companion is resting, I took this opportunity to study especially on the topic of celestial marriage. I really like the scripture verses that I read in Jacob 2:23-29,30. I also had the time to start putting memorable pictures in my "Best Two Years" album. 😊


Notable moments of March 20 to 21:
  • 15th month in the mission
  • First split as ZL
  • We taught:
    • Judy Mae - L1 P5
    • Lorna Gibada (NI)
    • Dexter - L1 P3
    • Janice - L1 P4
    • Bro. Noli - Mosiah 4:36
    • Alona Jardin (NI)
    • Lelis Family - 1 Nephi 17:3
    • Fatima - Obedience, Ten Commandments
    • Kristine - L1 P1-P2
    • Jimenez Family - TPNL
    • Bro. Frejas - Prayer
  • Sick companion
  • "Best Two Years" photo album

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