Bulan Zone Training I

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

IROSIN | Day 22 to 23 |

MARCH 17, 2015:
We had Zone Training today and it was my first Z.T. as a Zone Leader. I am really overwhelmed at first because I'm not used to it. I've only led a maximum of four missionaries when I was a D.L. and now it was way more than that. 😅 I like this Zone and I'm glad that I'm assigned here. I have good zone mates and I can say that we are united to our purpose. 

Bulan Zone 🙂

Our workshop on how to approach the head of the households went fine D&C 98:16. Sister Eñeja and Sister Dellona were the ones who are assigned to me in practice teaching. They handled it well and they are united. They're good at approaching and teaching. 

I am also close to some of my zone mates now. They are really fun and friendly. Some of them thought that I am a snob or quiet person but I'm not. 😅 

Housemates 🙂
with Elder Reyes & Sister Eñeja
with Elder Irabon
with Elder Pascua (departing missionary) and Sister Marcos

Our schedule for this day was really loaded. We didn't have time to rest and gladly we finished all our plans and went to all of our scheduled appointments. We had a good day overall in proselyting. 😊

MARCH 18, 2015:
Potatoes! We spent most of our time in our area in Bacolod, Bulos, and Burabod today. We also had three new investigators today. 


Notable moments of March 17 to 18:
  • Bulan Zone Training I
    • Workshop: How to Approach the Head of the Household
  • We taught:
    • Michael Guañezo - Book of Mormon
    • Jessica Cabi - L1 P1-P6
    • Buboy Capalla - L1 P1-P4
    • Jason - P&A
    • Mikaela - Baptism & Confirmation
    • Ensinas Family - TPNL
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • We taught:
    • Judy Mae - L1 P3-P4
    • Dexter Gibada (NI)
    • Edwin Gibada (NI)
    • Janice Gibada (NI)
    • Bro. Gerry - L3
    • Bro. Leonardo - TPNL

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