Importance of Scripture Study

Sunday, March 15, 2015

IROSIN | Day 20 to 21 |

MARCH 15, 2015:
I was one of the speakers today at the sacrament meeting. My original plan is to talk about the story of Job but it didn't happen. I just followed the promptings of the Holy Ghost and talk about the importance of scripture study/reading instead. D&C 43:15-16 Studying the scriptures can help us know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, give us the power to resist temptation, and strengthen us in our challenges. These are some of the benefits of doing it. 

(L to R) E. Alolor, Bro. Danilo, Melcy, Jona, Balasta Siblings, me

We proselyted in the afternoon with some new additional member presents. One of them is Sis. Jona and she's really knowledgeable of the gospel. She can be a great missionary someday. We had a good and productive day overall and we're thankful to all the members that helped us in sharing the gospel with everyone that we met today. 

MARCH 16, 2015:
I bought a second-hand Canon camera in Bulan today. This is my fifth camera in the mission and hopefully, it is my last too. My fourth cam was broken/damaged/faulty again. 😩 It's really important for me to take pictures every day for my journal that's why the camera is a must-have no matter what.

 Today was not also the usual P-Day because we need to prepare for the Zone Training tomorrow. It will be my first as a Z.L. Hopefully, it will turn out well and my zone mates learn something from it. Before I slept, I read my past notes in my study journal and it reminded me of what Elder Arndern said: "Every good thing in life comes with a price tag. Just prepare to pay for it". Planning, working hard for it, and endurance are some keys that I think of to achieve whatever goal you want or need. 



Notable moments of March 15 to 16:
  • Speaker in Sacrament Meeting
    • Importance of scripture study
  • We taught:
    • Jason - L4
    • Mikaela - L3
    • Fatima - Fasting & Fast Offering
    • Vitabara Family - D&C 1:30
    • Ruby - L1 P1-P6
    • Judy May - L3
    • Caridad Ballon (NI)
  • Zone Training Preparation
  • 5th camera

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