Baptism: Rodolfo Ganton, Jonalyn Domagco & Nerissa Joy Domagco

Saturday, March 07, 2015

IROSIN | Day 12 |

MARCH 7, 2015:
One of the most awaited events in the life of the Ganton and the Domagco family respectively finally arrived! They are now baptized! 😃 I've only known them for almost two weeks but that's just enough to know that they are really committed and ready for this memorable event in their lives. 

The sickness of Bro. Rodolfo doesn't stop him from making a covenant to our Heavenly Father. He really endures all the trials that came to his life with immovable faith in God. His family and all of us in Irosin Branch are amaze by him. 😊

Sis. Jonalyn is also doing all the commitments and she is also well prepared. It's really nice that she set a good example for her daughter Nerissa Joy who is a good kid. It's a wonderful moment for them because they've been baptized on the same day. 😀 We're also thankful to Sis. Remedios (mother of Sis. Jonalyn) for her support throughout their journey. 

(L to R) E. Feraer, Sis. Jonalyn w/ her daughter Nerissa Joy, Bro. Rodolfo, and E. Alolor

We're also thankful to all the members who attend, participates, and support this baptism. We are all happy for the Ganton and Domagco families. 😊

Irosin members before the baptism of Bro. Rodolfo, Sis. Jonalyn & Nerissa. 😊

Pres. Lao rented a pool for a short period of time for the baptism. This was the first time I baptized someone in a swimming pool. I thought I experienced it all (baptismal font, river, sea). 😅 

(L to R) E. Witehira, me, Jason, E. Siarez, Clara, Mara & E. Alolor
Baptizing Bro. Rodolfo 🙏
We're also thankful for the support of our co-missionaries.

In the afternoon we travel again to Bulan to attend the pre-District Conference. All of the missionaries in Bulan were present too. This is the first time that I have met all the missionaries here in Bulan. It's nice and fun. Hopefully, I'll get to know all of them better soon. 🙂 I learned more about tithing today. Pres. Guanzon shared this verse D&C 119:4 to make it clearer.

Bulan Zone:
Back: E. Alolor, E. Siarez, E. Puyat, S. Marcos, S. Tuiloli, S. Surigao, S. Sebia, S. Notarte, S. Dellona, S. Eñeja, S. Boorau
 Front: E. Feraer, E. Witehira, E. Reyes, E. Bumadilla, E. Pascua 

It's been a long, tiring, and busy day for us but Elder Alolor and I are really thankful for this day. We are really happy hat Bro. Rodolfo, Sis. Jonalyn, and Nerissa Joy are now all baptized. 😃

The funny faces that my housemates make when I took another picture for the 2615216217 times. 😂


Notable moments of this day:
  • Baptism of Bro. Rodolfo, Sis. Jonalyn, and Nerissa Joy
    • Swimming Pool
  • Pre-District Conference
    • Priesthood Session
  • First time I met all the missionaries in Bulan

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