Bulan Zone Sports Activity

Monday, March 30, 2015

IROSIN | Day 35 |

MARCH 30, 2015:
Fun day! 😃 We held a Sports Zone Activity at the Matnog Chapel grounds. All the Bulan Zone missionaries were present. The spacious space here in Matnog is a perfect place for us. There is so much room and space for activities! 😀 

(Irosin Elders) Elder Feraer, Elder Alolor, Elder Siarez, and Elder Witehira 

I played basketball with my housemates right away and then with the other missionaries. It was really fun even though it is really hot outside. We don't care about getting sunburn. Haha. Some youth members in Matnog are present too and they volunteered and took care of camera duties. I'm personally thankful to them. 😅

Elder Guya and Elder Irabon

While waiting for others to arrive, we had time to take a lot of group photos. Capturing moments is always awesome.

Front Row: E. Tamayo, E. Acebes, E. Puyat, S. Marcos, E. Bumadilla, E. Siarez
Middle Row: E. Nagutom, E. Balaong, S. Taukitoku, S. Surigao, E. Witehira
Back Row: E. Feraer, E. Alolor
Sitting: S. Sebia, S. Boorau, E. Balaong, S. Eñeja, S. Notarte, S. Surigao, S. Dellona
Back: E. Feraer, E. Puyat
Elder Balaong is a funny guy. 😆

The STLs (Sister Boorau and Sister Sebia) are the game masters. This game is their idea. We are divided into three groups. All the Sister missionaries belong into one group, the Elders are divided into two. I am grouped with my district mates together with Elder Guya and Elder Nagutom. 

Group #1: S. Notarte, S. Eñeja, S. Surigao, S. Tuiloli, S. Maualuga, S. Marcos, and S. Dellona 
Group #2: E. Tamayo, E. Acebes, E. Irabon, E. Balaong, E. Ah-Ching, E. Nelson, and E. Witehira
Group #3: E. Guya, E. Feraer, E. Alolor, E. Siarez, E. Bumadilla, E. Puyat, and E. Nagutom

Let the fun, wild, and exhausting game begin... 😆

Sister Boorau showing the three groups while Sister Sebia explaining the game mechanics.
Look how supportive and happy I am. 😏
Sister Surigao with her slow-mo run. 🏃
Look how happy Sister Eñeja is. 😁
Sister Notarte with her game face on. 😤
Go Elder Nagutom! 📣
Elder Acebes and Elder Tamayo are having fun. 😁
Nothing to see here...
Are you alright Sister Marcos? 😆
Sister Dellona's glamour run. LOL.
What happened here? 😅
Looks like Elder Balaong is dancing. 💃
Sister Maualuga "game shades" is on. 😎
Look how happy my companion is. 😂
The Sisters are definitely having fun. 
Sister Tuiloli with her Polynesian speed! 🗲
Having fun eh? 😁
Raise your hand if you think you're team won. ✋✊
The tag team of Elder Nelson and Elder Tamayo. 🤝 
Run Sisters, Run! 🏃

I think we won the game even though the STLs didn't clearly declare who are the winners are. I just assumed. Hahaha. 😆 Anyways, whoever the winners are, the most important thing is we all enjoyed this activity. 😄 

This day was a great bonding time with my zone mates. Some of the missionaries in our Zone might get transferred soon. This is also Sister Boorau's last full week as a missionary. She'll return home with honor very soon. She's a good leader. Even though I just met and know her for a short period of time, it is enough to know how good of a person she is. I wish her all the best in the next chapter of her life. 🙂

While we are resting, we took a lot of group pictures. A lot. 😁 I'm really happy to be part of this Zone. All my zone mates are nice and diligent missionaries. It's fun to be with them. Mosiah 4:27

ZLs & STLs: Elder Alolor, Sister Sebia, Sister Boorau, me
with the STLs
(Standing) E. Alolor, S. Taukitoku, S. Surigao, S. Dellona, E. Feraer, E. Tamayo, E. Acebes, S. Eñeja, E. Puyat, E. Bumadilla, E. Nagutom, E. Witehira, S. Notarte, S. Maualuga
(Sitting) E. Balaong, S. Sebia, S. Boorau, S. Marcos, E. Siarez, E. Nelson, E. Guya, S. Tuiloli
(Missing) E. Irabon, E. Ah-Ching
S. Taukitoku, S. Surigao, S. Dellona, and S. Marcos
S. Tuiloli, S. Maualuga, and E. Nelson
S. Eñeja and E. Puyat
E. Bumadilla and E. Tamayo
S. Notarte with Matnog YW feat. E. Balaong
E. Siarez and E. Witehira
Irosin Elders with Elder Balaong
Bulan Zone Missionaries with Matnog YM

Before we left, Elder Acebes treats us with free ice cream. It's tastes good especially under the scorching heat of the sun. 🌞🍦 It's a fun day overall. Bulan Zone is awesome! 😎

One last group shot! 📷
Thanks Elder Acebes! 😀
Sister Tuiloli
(L to R) S. Marcos, E. Siarez, E. Witehira, E. Alolor, E. Feraer, S. Boorau, S. Sebia, and E. Balaong


Notable moments of this day:
  • Bulan Zone Sports Activity

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