Companionship Exchanges with Elder Acebes

Thursday, March 19, 2015

IROSIN | Day 24 |

MARCH 19, 2015:
We had companionship exchanges today. I'm in San Isidro right now together with the District Leader of Bulan, Elder Acebes. It's a calm and peaceful area. The recent challenge that they had is the declining number of church attendance. He also told me everything I need to know so I can help. 

San Isidro Branch Meeting House

We had a good plan for today. Elder Acebes also invited some members to work with us. They are also nice too. We had a good day overall. The most memorable moment for me today is with our last appointment, Nanay Melva's Family. I really felt the spirit and it is really a strong feeling of emotion. D&C 132:16-17

with Elder Acebes and some San Isidro Branch members

At the end of the day, I had a better understanding of the situation in their area. Elder Acebes is a good missionary and a better District Leader. He's really hands-down in his duty/calling as a District Leader based on what I know today in our exchanges. I'm also glad that I helped him with some of the things that he wants to improve. It was a good day overall. I also like the "party lights" that they installed in their room to sleep better. It was hilarious. 😂

Party lights 😁


Notable moments of this day:
  • Companionship exchanges with Elder Acebes
  • First time at San Isidro

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