MLT & MLC (March 2015)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

IROSIN | Day 16 to 17 |

MARCH 11, 2015:
We had Mission Leadership Training and Mission Leadership Council today. All of the missionary leaders in the Philippines Legazpi Mission gathered today to train, learn, and discuss the things we can improve as missionaries and the betterment of the whole mission. President Guanzon and the A.P.s prepares a great lesson and workshop for all of us.

Philippines Legazpi Mission Leaders (March 2015)

This is my first MLT/MLC as a Zone Leader so I'm a little bit nervous. 😅 I'm also sick today and Elder Irabon too. He said sleeping in the Sorsogon ZL's dirty apartment may be the cause of it. Fortunately, Sister Guanzon gave us medicine to feel better. She's really a mission mom to all of us. 💖

A mix of missionary ZLs and DLs having fun
S. Dizon, S. Boddupalli, S. Jemino & S. Abasanta
S. Coleman & S. Buban
E. Torrano & E. Davis
S. Flake & S. Genegaling
E. Matautia, E. Bactad, E. Medios & E. Acebes
E. Cameron, E. Whitney, E. Moncur & E. Bactad
E. Decicio & E. Christofferson
S. Dizon, S. Jemino, S. Abasanta, S. Boddupalli, S. Seiuli, S. Vi & S. McCoard

In our workshop, the topic was how to increase baptisms. Matthew 28:18-20 It reminds us again of our purpose as missionaries. Practice teaching was fun too. They also taught us how to approach the head of the household (most of the time "tatays"). We learned a lot from this meeting and we will also pass and teach this during our Zone Training next week. 

Bro. Adi and the A.P.s

Another fun part of this gathering (aside from the delicious food that Sister Guanzon prepared) is meeting all the other missionaries in different areas. Seeing and talking to my batchmates and former zone mates is always fun too. Reporting the key indicators for our zone is quite fun too. It summarizes all the hard work of missionaries in our zone and I'm quietly proud of it. I'm glad that all of the areas in our zone are doing great right now especially on baptisms. Bulan is on top. 😀 

My batchmates: E. Saverdra (DL), E. Matautia (DL), me, E. Irabon (DL)
S. Abasanta (STL). S. Villeza (STL), S. Seiuli (STL)
My companion's departing batch
Elder Olayao and his "seedlings"
Elder Alolor and his former companion, Elder Fua
Elder Alolor and his trainee, Elder Matautia
Shine Bulan!

MARCH 12, 2015:
We traveled back to Irosin, Sorsogon and it was a long ride from Legazpi, Albay. I miss riding the bus! It felt like I'm a college student all over again. Haha. 

We rest a little bit when we arrived and in the afternoon we went out and did the Lord's work. We proselyted until 9:30pm to catch up on all the time that we missed in our area. We are blessed with seven lessons. Most parts of what we shared came from Articles of Faith 1 to 3. It was really tiring but worth it. 


Notable moments of March 11 to 12:
  • MLT/ MLC
    • How to increase Baptisms
    • Approaching "Tatays"
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Remedios - AoF 1 to 3
    • Sis. Jonalyn & Nerissa - Baptism and Confirmation
    • Sis. Gemma - L2 Q1
    • Jason - Tithing and Fast offering
    • Mikaela - Words of wisdom
    • Bro. Rodolfo - Baptism and Confirmation
    • Bro. Leonardo - Obedience

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