First Sunday at Irosin Branch

Sunday, March 01, 2015

IROSIN | Day 6 to 8 |

MARCH 1, 2015:
I had a meaningful personal study in the morning about the Words of Mormon in the BoM. It's my first Sunday here in Irosin Branch. Everyone was nice and they welcome me nicely. 💖 There's also a lot of members who are present in sacrament meeting and all classes. As usual, I did the usual routine of the new missionary in town. Bearing testimony and being a teacher in Sunday school class. 😅 

with Elder Alolor
Meeting House of Irosin Branch

It's been a busy day for us. In the afternoon until the evening, we went to Bulan for the District Council Meeting. All of the leaders from different branches in Bulan District attended including all of us Bulan Zone Elders. It was a good meeting and it's also nice to meet the other leaders and members in Bulan. Base on what I heard and observed in the meeting this is really a super progressing District. It can turn into a Stake in the near future if it continues to progress at this pace. We'll do our best to keep this pace or step it up even more. 😀

(L to R) E. Witehira, E. Siarez, E. Alolor, E. Feraer

MARCH 2, 2015:
P-Day! We travel again to Bulan to withdraw money and to buy some supplies. It's a real challenge because there are only one or two ATM machines that were available. It takes a half-hour or more to withdraw because many people need to withdraw too. Patience and endurance will be really tested here. Fortunately, we ate breakfast first before we left Irosin. 😅 

E-mail time was exciting as always. I e-mailed my former companions, San Vicente mates, other missionary friends, close friends, and most importantly my parents. 🙂 My companion also went to the dentist and after that, we went back to Irosin.

On our evening work, we had two meaningful appointments. We also shared D&C 62:3 the importance of bearing our own testimony. It was great! I think most missionaries don't work on P-Day evenings (several times I am like that too). It's a good thing that my new companion is a hard worker. He's a great influence on me so far. It's also a good way to set an example as leaders in our Zone.

MARCH 3, 2015:
It was a tiring but productive day for us. Our most productive so far. 😀


Notable moments of March 1 to 3:
  • First Sunday in Irosin Branch
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Rodolfo - Baptism by fire
  • Bulan District Council Meeting
  • First P-Day in Irosin
  • First time in the area of Bulan
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Rodolfo - L4
    • Bro. Danilo - TPNL
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Rodolfo - Mos 18:8-9
    • Sis. Maya - D&C 8:37
    • Pantua Family - Alma 32:19
    • Erica - 2 Nephi 32:3
    • Oropesa Family - Romans 1:15-16
    • Bro. Gerry - L2 Q2
    • Bro. Juanito - L2 Q1
    • Jovic - L1 P1-P6
    • Bro. Leonardo - L1
    • Bro. Danilo - L2

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