Matnog District Meeting I

Thursday, March 05, 2015

IROSIN | Day 10 |

MARCH 5, 2015:
One of the duties of being a Z.L. is attending all the D.M. in all of the districts in their zone assigned to. We attended this week's District Meeting at Matnog. Their chapel is really nice and spacious! Hopefully, Irosin Branch will have its own chapel soon too. 

Elder Irabon's workshop is good. I'm happy that he's a District Leader now. I also like the verse that he shared Alma 38:12. It is a good verse for extending an invitation to someone. They're a fun district to be with. 

Back: E. Ah Ching, E. Irabon, S. Taukitoku, S. Maualuga, E. Tamayo & E. Nelson
Front: E. Alolor & E. Feraer
with the Matnog District

In the afternoon, Bro. Rodolfo and Sis. Jonalyn with her daughter Nerissa Joy all passed their own respective baptismal interviews! They are now eligible to be baptized on Saturday. 😀


Notable moments of this day:
  • Matnog District Meeting I
    • Inviting others to be Baptized
  • Bro. Rodolfo Ganton, Sis. Jonalyn & Nerissa Joy Domagco passed their interviews.
  • We taught:
    • Vitabara Family - TPNL

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