Surprise! Our Investigators Arrived

Sunday, February 23, 2014


FEBRUARY 23, 2014:
We left our apartment early to picked up Bro. Denver and we also came by to Alejandro Family to invite them. As we arrived at the church we saw Bro. Benigno with another investigator, Bro. Jerusalem! He overcame the trials that he is facing physically and emotionally. It is a blessing to see him come to church despite his old age and the inability of his legs to move normally. I'm really happy to see him. 😃 I'm touched that Bro. Benigno and Sis. Evette assisted him. I know Heavenly Father gave Bro. Jerusalem extra strength because of his faith. 🙂 The sons of Bro. Benigno also attends church, John Ben, and Jay Mar surprised me. The happiness that I felt is overwhelming. This is indeed a blessed Sunday for us! 😊

My companion gave me this hard copy picture.

In our companionship study, we continued the 12 Week Guide and we discussed the Book of Mormon. This scripture is truly a word of God and another testament of Jesus Christ. We also did practice teaching today and we have a new investigator for me. Elder Nielsen named it "Wallace". It is a tall broomstick. Haha. 😂 

We proselyted after our studies and we visited and taught the Delos Santos Family about Priesthood and Auxiliaries. We went to Sis. Renafe but she is not in their house then we went to Lagailles family and they're not also available so we just set the next appointment for them. When we arrived in our apartment, E. Nielsen found out that he forgot our keys and phone inside so we are locked out. We spent an hour or so outside until my companion runs out of patience and became a superhero. He became Spider-Man. Haha. 😂

My companion showed me his Spidey skills by climbing our 3-story apartment. Dope. 🕸


Notable moments of this day:
  • Bro. Jerusalem attends church for the first time.
  • Bro. Denver attends church for the first time.
  • Brothers John Ben & Jay Mar attend church for the first time.
  • Bro. Kaloy attends church again. 
  • 12 Week Guide: Revelation through Book of Mormon - Done
  • We taught the Delos Santos Family about L5 P1
  • Spider-Nielsen saves the day.

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