Sister Irene's Send-off Party

Saturday, February 22, 2014

TABACO | DAY 51 to 52 |

FEBRUARY 21, 2014:
In my personal study I solely focus on the lessons that we are teaching on this day. We also had a weekly planning session to help us be prepared for next week and to evaluate this current week also. Our common goal is to find more new investigators. Before I ate lunch, I did a short BR page for Sis. Irene. This week is her last before she'll go to the MTC and tomorrow our group will have a send-off party for her. We are all happy in her decision to become a full-time missionary. 😃

We proselyte in the afternoon and it is really rainy. Our last and successful appointment for this day is in Quinastillojan. We taught Bro. Benigno about the importance of studying the scriptures and we invite him to read and study the scripture always. He is really faithful in his covenant and he is a good example as a husband and father to his family. 😊

FEBRUARY 22, 2014:
I continued my Book of Mormon study with a manual and I finished Chapter 4. My companion had a baptismal interview in the ZLs area in Comun. We went there before noon and the ZLs investigators (Bro. Ray Allen & Sis. Mary Anne) passed the interview. 👍 

In the afternoon we went to the meeting house for Sis. Irene's send-off party and most of the members are really emotional because they will miss Sis. Irene. She is a good leader in the youth and I know she will be a great example for them and also a blessing to the area that she'll be assigned to. 

Youth in Comun Group gave Sis. Irene a musical presentation.

We had a productive day in missionary work today. We taught Bro. Jerusalem, the Delos Santos Family, and Bro. Denver.


Notable moments of February 21 to 22:
  • Quicay Family gave us lots of coconuts.
  • We taught Bro. Benigno about Study the Scriptures.
  • I bought a Monkey D. Luffy figure with my personal money. 👌
  • I finished Chapter 4 in the BoM manual.
  • ZLs investigators passed the interview
  • Sis. Irene's Send-off Party
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Jerusalem - L2 Q3
    • Bro. Benigno & Sis. Yvette - SD
    • Bro. Denver - L1

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