Bro. Benigno & Sis. Evette Baptismal Interview

Saturday, February 08, 2014

TABACO | DAY 37 to 38 |

FEBRUARY 7, 2014:
The focus of my personal study today is the Book of Ether. I also read some parts of the Old Testament. My companion gave me an ankle bracelet and he is also the one who did it. He said that he learned to do that in his former area in San Vicente, Catanduanes. It is cool. We watched "The District 1" again for my 12 Week Guide and this time I enjoyed it more. We had a productive day in missionary work. We taught Bro. Denver and he said he will attend church this Sunday and I'm looking forward to it. 😃 We taught the Delos Santos family about the Law of Chastity and the Word of Wisdom and they are committed to obeying it. They are also getting closer to baptism! 😊 Our last appointment was with the Alejandro family and hopefully, they will also attend church this Sunday.

Elder Nielsen gave me this. He said he made and learned it from his previous area in Catanduanes. 

FEBRUARY 8, 2014:
I finished the Book of Ether. Personally, this is one of my favorite parts (book) of the Book of Mormon. Maybe because I came from Ether District (the very first Ether District in the MTC) and my favorite scripture is in Ether 12:27. 😁 In this book, I learned important principles of prayer, revelation, and the relationship between exercising faith in Jesus Christ and receiving spiritual knowledge. 

We attended the baptism of Janice (E. Todd and E. Yu's investigator) and it was my first time to witness a baptism in the river. Elder and Sister Wilcox (couple missionaries) also attended and after the baptism, they treat us free lunch at Graciano's (Italian Restaurant) and the food is really nice. 😋

Today was also the baptismal interview of Bro. Benigno and Sis. Evette Delos Santos and I'm really excited about it. After the interview, the ZLs told us that they passed! I'm so happy for them! 😃 We went to Sis. Renafe's house but she's not home. On the transfer announcement at night, we found out that Sister Siola'a and Sister Sasagi will be transferred to other areas, while Sister Evans will return home with honor (it is her last days in the mission field).

Baptism of Sis. Janice


Notable moments of February 7 to 8:
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Denver (L2 Q1)
    • Delos Santos Family (Law of Chastity and Word of Wisdom)
    • Alejandro Family (L3)
  • Book of Mormon Reading ✔ List:
    • 1st Nephi 🗹 2nd Nephi 🗹 Jacob 🗹 Enos 🗹 Jarom 🗹 Omni 🗹 Words of Mormon 🗹
    • Mosiah 🗹 Alma 🗹 Helaman 🗹 3rd Nephi 🗹 4th Nephi 🗹 Mormon 🗹 Ether 🗹
  • Baptism of Sis. Janice in the river (ZLs investigator)
  • First time to eat at Graciano's
  • Bro. Benigno and Sis. Evette passed their interviews
  • Transfer announcement
    • Transferred: Sisters Siola'a and Sasagi
    • Departing: Sister Evans

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