Companionship Exchanges with Elder Bacalso

Thursday, February 06, 2014

TABACO | DAY 35 to 36 |

FEBRUARY 5, 2014:
Companionship exchanges with Tiwi Elders (District Leaders can also do C.E. in their district, like the ZLs in their zone). I went to Tiwi and that was my first time doing 24 hours exchanges that were not in my area. I'm excited to be Elder Bacalso's temporary companion for one day because the last time we work together it went well, it was productive. We started the day by doing studies. In our companionship study, we discussed the gospel of Jesus Christ and he taught me a lot about it. He also taught me some Bicol words that he knew.

Before we proselyte we picked up first Bro. Zary (a member in Tiwi) to work with us. We went to the families that we plan to visit but they are not in their house. At night we went to Bobis Family and we taught them. They are really interested in the gospel and they are a family full of energy. 😁 After that, we went to Cobilla Family and we read the Book of Mormon with them and all of us explained our thoughts in the verses that we read. All members of the family participated. It is my first time doing that and it is great. 👍 Our last appointment is with Sis. Jessica and Sis. Chabs.
with Bro. Zary and Bobis Family

FEBRUARY 6, 2014:
I want to extend my stay in Tiwi so I can learn more from E. Bacalso. In our evaluation early in the morning, he said that it is good that I am listening really well during our teaching, that's why we had a good transition even though we're not really companions. Today was also the last district meeting of this transfer cycle (6 weeks, my first cycle). The transfer announcement is also this week and there's only a little chance that I'll be transferred because I'm in training and really new to our area. I also don't want to because I love the Comun Group. Today was also the last D.M. with Sister Evans before she'll go back home. We taught the Delos Santos Family the whole lesson about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Before I sleep I continued reading Ether in the Book of Mormon.

with Elder Bacalso


Notable moments of February 5 to 6:
  • Companionship exchanges with E. Bacalso in Tiwi
    • "Malaysian Elder"
    • Met and worked with Bro. Zary
    • Met and taught Bobis Family
    • Read BoM with Cobilla Family
    • Unforgettable ending. 😅
  • Tabaco District Meeting V
  • We taught the Delos Santos Family (L3)

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