3rd Month in the Mission

Friday, March 21, 2014

TABACO | DAY 77 to 79 |

MARCH 19, 2014:
I feel like I'm an old man. My body sores especially in the back. 😩 But it is alright, I had fun doing service yesterday. Along the way to our area, I think of something really cool. I'll make a list of goals that I want and I'll put the strengths, challenges, and action plan for each month. I'll do it to see my progression throughout my mission days.

In the morning we taught Bro. Jess about the ten commandments and he is excited about his Baptism on Saturday. He is definitely more than ready to be baptized. 😊 After that, we taught Bro. Kaloy about enduring to the end. In our afternoon/evening work we taught Bro. Denver about the importance of prayer and being obedient to the commandments of the Lord. He is also excited about his baptism on Saturday and he also picked me to be the one who'll baptize him. I'm more than happy to do it for him. Our last appointment for the day is with the Delos Santos brothers and we reviewed L1-L3 to them to make sure that they understand it very well.

MARCH 20, 2014:
We had a District Meeting and our topic was "Revelation Through Prayer". Prayer is a sacred privilege and commandment that allows us to communicate with our loving Heavenly Father. He hears and answers our prayers. Those who diligently seek the Lord’s guidance can be blessed with personal revelation. In our practice teaching, I'm an investigator again and S.Fabia and S.Pareja are the missionaries assigned to me. They're really good at teaching, I understand all the things that they said to me. This is also the last district meeting of Sister Simonson. She'll return home with honor soon. She's a quiet and good missionary.

This day is also the mark of my 3rd month in the mission and today is also the birthday of my Lola Lydia. 😊 We taught John Ben, Jay Mar, and Jason about the word of wisdom and we invite them to obey this commandment and they committed to it. For our dinner, we went again to the Japanese Resto and they have a promo of unlimited food this time. We pig out. 😅

I really like Okonomiyaki! It's my favorite Japanese food from now on.
My companion, Elder Nielsen enjoying his sushi.
E.Yu, E.Todd & E.Nielsen

MARCH 21, 2014:
In my personal study, I continue re-reading the Book of Mormon and I am now in Chapter 18. This time I'm highlighting the verses that I like and can help our current and future investigators & RCLAs. We don't have productive missionary work today because my companion got sick again. Maybe because of too much eating, last night and I think "sashimi" is the one to blame. Haha. I don't like raw food. When his stomach got okay we went to work. We taught Bro. Denver about the importance of reading the scriptures and after that we prepare his BCR and before we leave I also invited his parents to come tomorrow for the baptism of their son. They said that they're going. We are all looking forward to tomorrow's baptism! 😃


Notable moments of March 19 to 21:
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Jerusalem - 10 Commandments
    • Bro. Kaloy - Endure to the End
    • Denver - Obedience & Pray often
    • John Ben and Jay Mar - L1 to L3
  • 3rd Month in the Mission
  • Lola Lydia's birthday
  • Tabaco District Meeting IX: "Revelation Through Prayer"
  • We taught John Ben, Jay Mar & Jason about Words of Wisdom
  • We taught:
    • Denver - Study the Scriptures
      • He picked me to be his baptizer
    • Ceneta Family - Book of Mormon

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