Rain Drops

Sunday, March 09, 2014

TABACO | DAY 66 to 67 |

MARCH 8, 2014:
The outside world is trying to remind me of my life at home. In music, surroundings, being an artist, and other things. I kinda miss home. The early part of this day spent on baptismal interviews by my companion. There's a lot of it today and all of them passed. We're all happy because our district has a lot of baptisms lately. We had a Family Home Evening at the Delos Santos Family's place and it was their first time to do it. I'm really happy about their progress in the church. We all had fun. It is raining really hard today but we still went through and we didn't care about getting wet in the rain. We taught Denver and Kevin joined us in teaching. His testimony is a big help for Denver because they can relate to each other. 

...another raindrops fell through.

MARCH 9, 2014:
Gloomy morning because of what happened last night. It didn't last long and the sun shines upon us once again. Our missionary work is somewhat productive. We have new referrals and we contacted them. We also taught the Delos Santos Family. I also had a chance to share the gospel in the tricycle once again. She's interested in our message and we had an appointment with her family this coming Saturday. Elder Todd and I had a chat about the trainer/leader stuff in the mission field and I don't think that I'll be a trainer immediately once my training as a trainee is over. I don't feel that I'm ready.


Notable moments of March 8 to 9:
  • Baptismal Interviews:
    • STL's investigators
    • ZL's investigator - Bro. Christian
  • Delos Santos's Family Home Evening
  • We taught Bro. Denver - Word of Wisdom
  • "Stormy Evening"
  • "Gloomy Morning"
  • Received and contacted the referral of Bro. Bonaobra
  • We taught the Delos Santos Family - Teaching and Learning in the Church

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