The Week That I Led in Planning and Teaching During My Training

Sunday, March 16, 2014

TABACO | DAY 68 to 74 |

MARCH 10, 2014:
Another normal preparation day. Same old routine. This week will also be the week that all the trainees (newbies) will lead in planning and teaching according to our First 12 Week Guide manual. There is some incident that happened today about one of the A.P. and Z.L. said about our work. I can feel that my companion was not happy about it because there are some unfortunate events that happened this past week that affected our missionary work. I also felt bad about it but it is a good thing on the other side. It motivates us. Elder Nielsen and I talked about it and we are both committed to doing better this week.

MARCH 11, 2014:
I'm really excited about this week and I'm also determined to finish these last two weeks of my training with a bang! After our personal and language study we are assigned by our ZLs to meet and pick up the Catanduanes (island) Elders and guide them to our apartment. They are staying with us for a couple of days because they have a meeting here on the mainland. It was my first time to go to Tabaco Pier.

Our missionary work is really productive today. We taught the Delos Santos brothers with Bro. Jason, Antonnette, and the couple Bro. Alvin and Sis. Catherine. We also received two referrals from Sis. Yvette and we contacted them both. We also have two new investigators. I had a wonderful time teaching today the gospel of Jesus Christ. I felt the spirit.

Me and my new desk set up with Luffy and Zoro. I miss watching this Anime. 

MARCH 12, 2014:
This is my best day so far in terms of missionary work! 😊 We proselyted in the morning and we're able to teach Bro. Jerusalem. In the afternoon we taught new investigators, Mark Buere and Louie Hilario. They are hospitable to us and I hope they'll progress. We taught the Mendoza twins together with their uncle Bro. Kaloy (a member). Sister Mara and Mari are really really receptive but their schedule is a little bit challenging and we also hope that they'll progress more. Afterward, we also taught Bro. Kaloy and we invite him again to attend church this Sunday. We are happy that he came with us and help us by giving his testimony to his nieces. We also received 3 referrals and we contacted them all. We also had a chance to teach some of them and a big thank you to Sis. Yvette for introducing us to her cousins. Today alone, we had 8 new investigators! Wow. It's tiring but it feels great to serve our loving Heavenly Father. 😌

We are really fired up and the spirit is burning! We already achieved two standards of excellence in referrals and new investigators. 😃 I testify that if we really commit ourselves to something and become obedient, The Lord will really bless us. I hope and I prayed that we'll be able to do this consistently every day. This was really a great day and I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

Best day in missionary work so far.

MARCH 13, 2014:
Another great and productive day. The rain won't stop us from doing the Heavenly Father's work. We achieved another SoE, this time in OLT. 😊 As of now, we have 13 new investigators. They are Carla & Allan, Mark, Louie, Sis. Ceneta, Gemunggala Family (Riza, Albert, Adrian), Ralph, Joshua, Almonte Family (Melencio & Sheri), and Sis. Barcenas. I hope that they'll all progress. We're tired but it's really worth it. I know and I feel that Heavenly Father is really happy with what we are doing right now. We ate dinner at Martha's Kitchen and the crab shanghai roll is good. It's a newly opened resto near our apartment in Tabaco City. 

Bro. Benigno had started the foundation of the house of Bro. Jerusalem near their home.

MARCH 14, 2014:
We had a Zone Training at Tabaco Chapel and it's good. I learned a lot from the workshop of the STLs about "becoming a Master Gospel Teacher". First, identify the doctrine. Second, teach with clarity. Third, support with scriptures. Fourth, bear testimony. Fifth, move on. In our practice teaching I am assigned as an investigator again (perks of being a companion of the District Leader). Elder Davis and Elder Estilloso taught me again (the last ZT they are also the missionaries assigned to teach me) but this time I am with S.Pareja (STL). I learned and I felt at that time what the investigator will feel when the missionaries don't have unity in teaching. 

We had a productive day again in missionary work. I'm also the one who led the BIQ to Bro. Denver and Bro. Jess. They are the next in line of our investigators who are close to be baptized. They are also our most progressing investigators right now. 😊 We also taught L1 to Bro. Mark and the Ceneta Family. 

MARCH 15, 2014:
The streak is now over... 😞 Elder Nielsen said to me that this is our best week so far since we came and opened our area. His message cheered me up again even though nothing really went well in our proselyting time today. The only good thing that happened for us today was when Bro. Jerusalem and Bro. Denver passed their baptismal interviews respectively! Hooray! 😃 The investigator of the ZLs, Bro. Christian also got baptized today. We're all happy for him. I hope many investigators and RCLAs will attend the sacrament meeting again. Tonight I ate one of my favorite food, calamari. It was so good and satisfying even though it's a little pricey.

MARCH 16, 2014:
I, therefore, conclude that this week is the best week in missionary work for our companionship. I honestly don't think next week (probably our last week together..😔) will top this week except for baptism. We've made a progress record and we're happy to report it in the Council Meeting with the Comun leaders after the sacrament service. Along our way back to Tabaco City we rode a tricycle and it plays Sponge Cola songs on the radio. Oh... I miss OPM band music... During our lunch, Elder Todd told me that the A.P.s texted him that I'm going to train next transfer. My initial reaction is I don't believe him and he really insisted so I almost believed him. It was a prank/joke. Phew... Never trust anyone regarding that from now on. Whatever happens, happens. 😬 Besides, I really feel that I'll never train or become a leader in my time here in Legazpi Mission. I didn't see myself as a leader, I'm just a normal missionary, nothing special. 

We visited and taught Bro. Allan and Sis. Carla again in the afternoon. We taught them about the Book of Mormon and how it will help them in their life. They are receptive to the gospel that we share. They also have a bakery and I really like the pineapple flavored bread. Afterward, we taught John Ben, Jay Mar, and Jason about the words of wisdom. They also commit to obey it. They are fun to be with and they really listen to us. They're also progressing. Lastly, we taught Bro. Jerusalem about Obedience and Praying often. Next week, he and Bro. Denver will be baptized and we are all excited about it. :) All in all, I'm really glad about what we did this week. 😊

One of the way to our area in Bantayan.


Notable moments of March 10 to 16:
  • Start of taking the lead in planning and teaching.
  • First time at Tabaco Pier
  • We taught: John Ben & Jay Mar & Jason, Antonette, and Bro. Alvin and Sis. Catherine
  • We taught: Ceneta Family, Louie, Mendoza twins, Bro. Kaloy, Melissa, and Sis. Yvette's cousins.
  • 8 new investigators!
  • We taught: Bro. Jerusalem,  Mark, John Ben & Jay Mar & Jason, Barcenas Family, Bro. Benigno & Sis. Yvette and Bro. Denver.
  • SoE: New Investigators and Referrals received & contacted.
  • First time at Martha's Kitchen
  • Tabaco Zone Training II: "How to Become a Master Gospel Teacher?"
  • We taught: Bro. Jerusalem, Denver, Mark, and Ceneta Family.
  • Bro. Jess Jerusalem and Bro. Denver Cuevas passed their Baptismal Interviews!
  • We taught: Bro. Allan & Sis. Carla, John Ben & Jay Mar & Jason, and Bro. Jerusalem

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