To Serve Unconditionally

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

TABACO | DAY 60 to 62 |

MARCH 2, 2014:
Back then I rarely spoke in front of many people. I am really shy to talk in front of them but right now I think I'm overcoming that weakness of mine. It's not that easy for me and today I can work on it by teaching in the Sunday School. I was surprisingly assigned on the spot by Bro. Bonaobra (Group Leader in Comun) in teaching the Priesthood, Relief Society, and Y.S.A combined. 😅 I am not ready but throughout the lesson, the Holy Ghost guides me. Sis. Bonaobra and some of the members are also a big help too.

Most of our investigators attend church today including Jason who attends his first sacrament meeting. 😊 In the afternoon we taught John Ben, Jay Mar, and Jason. We also rode at the back of the jeepney. It is my first time and it was fun! 😄

My companion was eating his uncooked veggies. 😅

MARCH 3, 2014:
P-Day! We did our same routine as usual. We also got our zone shirt and the reaction of the other missionaries in our zone when they received it was really funny. Haha. 😂

My first ever zone shirt... I don't think it is a Zone shirt at all.. but as long as there's a troll face in it I'm happy. 😁

MARCH 4, 2014:
In my personal study, I read about service and incidentally, my companion has ingrown toenails and he can't walk properly. It's time to apply what I read which is to serve others. I remember Sister Guanzon's guideline in common sickness in the mission field so I read it and applied the treatment to my companion. He thanked me after that and I also said that he can rest for this day if he wants to. Elder Todd doesn't feel well also so we came up with an idea that Elder Yu and I will become temporary companions for the rest of the day and we will work in both of our areas.

Along our way to the terminal, I saw the homeless person again and I gave him the food that I have. That's my personal vow that I'll give food to those people who are really in need as long as I have something to give. 

We still had a productive day in missionary work. In our area, we taught Bro. Jerusalem and Bro. Kaloy and in their area we taught Christian and the Casquejo Family.


Notable moments of March 2 to 4:
  • Our investigators attended sacrament meeting:
    • Bro. Jerusalem - 2nd time
    • Denver - 2nd time
    • John Ben & Jay Mar - 2nd time
    • Jason - 1st time
  • Teaching in Sunday School
  • Riding at the back of the Jeepney.
  • We taught John Ben, Jay Mar & Jason about the Restoration.
  • Troll face shirt.
  • Service.
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Jerusalem - Endure to the end
    • Bro. Kaloy - Tithing
    • Christian - Word of wisdom
    • Casquejo Family - Endure to the end

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