A Different Style of Planning and Teaching

Thursday, March 27, 2014

TABACO | DAY 84 to 85 |

MARCH 26, 2014:
My first whole day with my new companion and we have a full written schedule for this day. Elder Carpio has a different way of planning and it is more detailed (FTCA; Follow up, Teach, Commitment, Assignment). He cooked rice early in the morning because we decided that we will pack and have our lunch in the meeting house from now on for time efficiency. We'll not waste our time on travel (40-50 minutes back and forth) anymore. I really like this new idea.

with Elder Carpio

After our language and personal study, we went to our area in Quinastillojan and we taught Bro. Jess about obeying and honoring the law. My new companion also has a different style of teaching. I am observant and trying to learn new things from him. We also went to Delos Santos Family and I'm surprised that I saw Sis. Vicky (Bro. Benigno's wife) again. It's been more than two months since the last time I saw her. I'm happy that they're complete again. 😃 After that, we did a lot of tracting. We met a lot of people and potential investigators. My companion is great in OYM-ing! Wow. It's great, I can learn from him. I'm still kind of shy to approach people outside and good thing he is not.

In the afternoon we did our companionship study (it's 1 hour now because I'm not in training anymore) and we did a lot of my least favorite part of C.S. --- practice teaching. 😑 After that, we continued finding more people to teach, and then we taught Bro. Denver, John Ben, Jay Mar, and Jason. We also contacted and taught the referral of Bro. Benigno. Our last appointment is with Bro. Benigno and Sis. Yvette.

We have a productive day in missionary work. Eating lunch at the meeting house was a good decision because it saves a lot of time. It is also not stressful. We have new investigators today and I hope they'll progress. This is really a great start for our companionship. It's a new era for me! 😊 

MARCH 27, 2014:
Weekly planning session day and it's a new experience for me because Elder Carpio has a different pattern in doing it. It's good and more organized but I'm not used to it yet. My trainer taught me differently so I'm still adjusting to it. In the afternoon we visited and taught the Almonte Family. They are our new investigators. We gave them the Book of Mormon and we also introduce it. It's a good experience teaching them. They're receptive and Nanay Almonte wants to know more. We also went to Mendoza twins and finally they're home. We also taught them about the Book of Mormon. Before we went back to the apartment, we reviewed the BIQs with John Ben, Jay Mar, and Jason. After that, the Delos Santos family invited us for Sis. Yvette's graduation celebration. We're all happy about this achievement in her life. I also hope she'll go on a mission someday. 😊
Newly HS grad, Sis. Yvette. Congrats! 😃
Other members in Comun also joined this memorable event in Sis. Yvette's life.
(L to R: Jason, Joy, Nemia, Richard, Jay Mar, Me, E.Carpio, Tatay Jess, Sis. Vicky and John Ben)


Notable moments of March 26 to 27:
  • Change of schedule
  • Elder Carpio's superb way of OYM
  • Sis. Yvette's Graduation celebration

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