Great Things Ahead in Our Area

Sunday, March 30, 2014

TABACO | DAY 87 to 88 |

MARCH 29, 2014:
We are the fifth and newest set of missionaries in Tabaco. We just opened our area last January together with my trainer. Back then, my trainer and I are both new and not familiar with our area so we started from scratch and it's not easy. Now, things are getting pretty well in terms of missionary work in our area. The people are starting to know that we are bearers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The members are also helpful and supportive of us. Elder Carpio and I have the same goal and we are united in our missionary purpose.

We had a productive day today. This is our best so far. We hit a new record for RCLA. We got 8 so far. We focused on our area in Bantayan and we met a lot of people. The most memorable is with Bro. and Sis. Roaring. They are interested in what we shared with them and I hope they'll progress. My new companion is really good at talking and introducing our message to everyone he meets. He isn't shy and he is a lively person. We are still adjusting to each other, especially him because he is new in our area. Another memorable moment today was the interview of John Ben, Jay Mar, and Jason. They all passed their baptismal interview and I'm so excited for their baptism next week! 😃 Sis. Yvette was also a big help in being a member present for her brothers.

(L to R) Yvette, Me, Jay Mar, E.Carpio, Jason & John Ben

MARCH 30, 2014:
This is Elder Carpio's first sabbath day with the members of Comun Group. They welcomed him warmly. I'm also one of the speakers during the sacrament meeting. It's my third time and this time I'm comfortable talking in front of many people. We are all blessed that we have the highest record of attendance in Comun Group ever! Comun Group is not yet a ward or even a branch but 83 people already attended the sacrament service. It's a lot for a group and we're all blessed to witness this. We also had new investigators who attended the sacrament and They are Bro. Zaldy and Sis. Carla Roaring.

We brought our packed lunch and we spent our lunchtime with the Delos Santos Family. We didn't go back to our apartment to save time. We want to use it more wisely. We also completed the BCR information of John Ben, Jay Mar, and Jason. We met and taught a lot of people today and the most memorable one is with the 98-year-old Lola.

We are with the 98-year-old Lola. I'm amazed that she is still strong for her age. God bless you more Lola. 😊
This is only our first week together and I'm looking forward to the great things ahead of us. The companionship of the Holy Ghost really guided us to find more people to teach.


Notable moments of March 29 to 30:
  • John Ben, Jay Mar, and Jason passed the interview for their baptism
  • We taught:
    • Ceneta Family - L2 Q1
    • John, Jay & Jason - Pray often
    • Bro. Jess - Missionary work
    • Carla & Allan Roaring (NIs)
    • Estrella Reblando (NI)
    • Bro. Kaloy - Obedience
  • Highest record (83) of attendance in Comun Group
    • New IASM: Carla & Allan Roaring
  • I'm one of the speakers -- talked about LOC
  • BCR's completion
  • We taught:
    • Fermin Cervantes (NI)
    • John, Jay & Jason
    • Michael Abasula (NI)
    • Benito Buban (NI)
    • Ryan & Lani Ceneta (NIs)
    • Olivo Family
  • We met a 98-year-old Lola
  • We achieved the Standard of Excellence (except for RCLA)! 😃

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