Sagrada Missionaries

Friday, April 18, 2014


APRIL 18, 2014:
We did the Weekly Planning Session today to become prepared for our first full week next week. After WPS, we did a companionship study and I'm really interested in what my companion shared with me about the celestial bodies.

In the afternoon we went to our area in Sagrada. It is a 10-15 minutes walk from San Vicente. There's no other mode of public transportation here like "padyak", tricycle or jeepney. E. Bacalso and I are the ones assigned in Sagrada while the other companionship is in San Vicente. Today is the baptismal interview of Kristine and Joy. Elder Moran interviewed them and they passed! 😃 We also get more information from their dad for the BCRs and after that, he gave us some coconuts. We're getting spoiled by a lot of free coconuts here. It's delicious and I'll never get tired of eating it. 😅

(L to R) me, E. Bagaoisan and E. Bacalso)
(L to R) me, Bro. Dado (Kristine and Joy's father), E. Bacalso, Joy, and Bro. Bernard)
with Elder Bacalso

We went next to our farthest area in Sitio Tondo because all of our appointments in Sagrada are busy during this time. It's my first time to go there and I almost fell down when I walk through the coconut tree bridge. Haha. It was really a funny moment. 😂 We met one of the members when we were there and I asked him If I can ride one of his carabaos and have a picture with it. That brother agreed and I was so happy about it. 😀 

Unfortunately, we didn't found any people to teach today because most of the people are busy, working and they are preparing for the holy week tradition. We also have a curfew at 6pm today. I'm still happy that Kristine and Joy passed their interviews and I also met some of the members that I didn't meet yet.


Notable moments of this day:
  • 3-way Trade of Neckties with E. Bacalso & E. Moran
  • Kristine & Joy's Interview
    • First time in Sitio Tondo
    • Have a picture riding a carabao

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