Baptism: Kristine Gonzales & Kristine Joy Gonzales

Saturday, April 19, 2014


APRIL 19, 2014:
I never thought that I will have a baptism this early in our area. 😮 Sister Kristine and Sister Joy are both excited for this day. Yes, they have almost similar names. Haha. They will finally make a sacred covenant to our loving Heavenly Father. Their earthly father is also supportive of their baptism.

with the Gonzales Sisters
(L to R) E. Bacalso, Joy, Kristine and Me

Some of the members also attended this special day including some leaders and Kristine & Joy's friends.

(Front L to R) Keturah, Julius, Joy, Kristine, Bro. Bernard
(Back) E. Bacalso & Me

It is also my first time to baptize in the river. I remember that John the Baptist also baptizes Jesus Christ in the river and I'm really glad that I was able to experience this. 😊

Sister Kristine is a bright kid. In the short amount of time that I met her, I can see her interest in the gospel. She listens carefully and answers correctly when we asked her.

Sister Joy is a little shy type of a kid and she also listens quietly to what we are teaching her.

I'm blessed also and honored to be the one that baptized them. Even though we only met in a short period of time I am genuinely happy that they got baptized. I know Elder Ruben will be happy too once he knows this good news. Kristine and Joy are both nice kids and I hope they will progress as daughters of Heavenly Father.

In the afternoon we went to Samudio Family together with Bro. Bernard as member present. We taught them about Sabbath Day and I hope they will attend church tomorrow. We also met a new investigator, her name is Charmaine. She's receptive and nice and I hope she'll progress. Our last successful appointment for this day is with the Vitalisio family.

Before we went back to Minaili, Bro. Bernard gave us coconuts again and this time I ate 7! New record. 😜 We had a blessed and wonderful day today and I hope there's no electric shortage again tonight. I'm looking forward to my first Sabbath Day in San Vicente branch tomorrow. 😃


Notable moments of this day:
  • Kristine & Joy Baptism
  • First time to baptize in the river
  • We taught:
    • Samudio Family - Sabbath Day
    • Charmaine Interior (NI)
    • Vitalicio Family
      • Purificasion Trinidad (NI)
  • First Sabbath Day in SV Branch
  • 4th Month in the Mission
  • We taught:
    • Elijah - LoC
    • Bro. Alvin (recent convert) - LoC

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