Carpe Diem

Thursday, April 10, 2014

TABACO | DAY 96 to 99 |

APRIL 7, 2014:
P-Day! It was a long, long day. We woke up early and went to our area to climb a mountain at the backside of the Delos Santos Family's house. Our goal is to reach the top... and I failed. I still can't overcome my fear of heights. šŸ˜Ø

Our District Meeting schedule also moved today because of the interview sessions with Pres. Guanzon. Usually, it's Thursday or Friday. Unfortunately, there's a lack of time so I wasn't been able to get interviewed. We also paid our electric bill today and it was a long line until we got at the counter. We only had one and a half-hour of the internet today instead of two because of the time shortage and we had other things to do. In that short period of time, I was able to upload my recent pictures (One Drive), sent a letter to our Mission President, and sent an e-mail to my parents. Memorable quote of the day by Pres. Guanzon -- "There is more temptation in the mission field than outside." So we must be strong and be obedient to the mission rules.

APRIL 8, 2014:
We went to Tabaco Public Market to buy some veggies and other food. That was my first time going there (another perk of having a Filipino companion) and I miss the Public Market in my hometown. Afterward, my companion went to the parlor to get his hair cut and also got manicured. He asked me If I wanted it too and I said no but thank you. He is in a good mood right now and in the mood of treating. After our companionship study, we went to our area and taught a lot of people. We also did tracting as usual.

(L to R) Jay Mar, Albert, Me, E.Carpio, John Ben and Evette

After our evening work in Panal, we went back to our apartment and called it a day. Elder Carpio cooked dinner for us and I called it "pakbet a la Carpio". It's so delicious. He's a good cook and it's been a long time since I ate vegetables. Elder Hatch is also in the house because of exchanges. He is so funny especially when he says "bato, bato bato, batotoy" Haha. šŸ˜‚ I think that was a children's game he heard in their area. It's really unusual to hear a foreigner speak Tagalog. He also said that he reminds me of Elder Roja. I only heard his name because of Elder Yu. He is his trainer and I think it was a compliment. I'm still new to the mission so I only know few missionaries.

APRIL 9, 2014:
Our recent converts, Denver and Evette came with us to do missionary work. I know this will be a productive day because of our member presents. It is more effective to have a local member with us because the people in our area relate and more comfortable speaking with them. In their youth days, it is also important to have experience in working with the missionaries. It is an advantage if you'll go on a mission someday. The build-up in their desire will also grow because they are seeing the reality of helping other people through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

It's been a while since we taught Sis. Vicky (mother of Evette) and we are glad that she is receptive like her family (Delos Santos). We also visited and taught Sis. Brucelas. She is really progressing and I think she's next in line to be baptized soon. I share a testimony that touched her heart and I thanked the Holy Ghost for helping me always when I talked to our investigators. She also invited us to eat merienda afterward. We also had a lot of new investigators today, thanks for their referrals. šŸ˜Š 

at Nanay Elena Bruselas house. šŸŽ‚

APRIL 10, 2014:
Another very productive day. We had 14 lessons in one day! šŸ˜ƒ We did morning work in Bantayan and we met 8 new investigators including the Briz family. I think they are related to some of the members in my homeward. In the afternoon we went to the village of the relatives of the Delos Santos family. Sis. Nemia and Bro. Richard also worked with us. I also sit on the top of the tricycle on our way back home.. as my trainer always said "like a king! haha!" šŸ˜… Overall, this was really a productive day and we are seizing it.


Notable moments of April 7 to April 10:
  • Mountain climbing failed
  • Tabaco District Meeting XI
    • Early scheduled (Monday)
  • Interviews with Pres. Guanzon
  • Tabaco Public Market
  • We taught:
    • John Ben & Jay Mar
    • Jason
    • Bro. Benigno & Evette
    • Albert
    • Gina Insular (NI)
    • Denver
  • "Pakbet a la Carpio" Dinner
  • Denver & Evette as member present
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Vicky Delos Santos (NI) 
    • Sis. Elena Bruselas 
    • Norma Gonzales (NI)
    • Mildred Almonte (NI)
    • Marites & Kris Camo (NIs)
    • Teodoro Camo (NI)
    • Denver and Evette
  • 14 Lessons in one day
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Jerusalem - L2
    • Sis. Bruselas - L1 P7-P8
    • Bro. Benigno - BoM reading
    • John, Jay and Jason - Priesthood & Auxiliaries
    • Denver - Eternal Marriage
    • Mendoza Family - L2 Q1
    • Bro. Kaloy - Scripture study
    • BaƱez Family - L1 P1-P2
    • JR Cascavel (NI)
    • Marylyn Formiles, Carmen Bobia and Danilo Bobia (NIs)
    • Melva Formiles
    • Annabelle Briz, Rochelle Briz, Ruby Rose Briz (NIs)
    • Rosa Baclao, Ressurecion Mendoza (NIs)

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