General Conference: April 2014

Sunday, April 13, 2014

TABACO | DAY 102 |

APRIL 13, 2014:
All the members of Comun Group joined the Tabaco Branch to watch the broadcast of the April 2014 General Conference. It's an uplifting moment when I heard the messages of our living Prophet, the Apostles, and other leaders of the church. I'm glad that Elder Teh spoke about the Philippines and testified about how faithful the Filipino is. I really like the talk of Pres. Thomas S. Monson about Love, the essence of the gospel. He said that "We cannot truly love God if we do not love our fellow travelers on this mortal journey." Jesus Christ is the best example for us. He truly loves us and atoned for our sins.

Sister Bruselas also attends church for the first time and we are glad that she heard right away the talks of our living Prophet and other leaders of the Church. It was a powerful experience for her. Elder Carpio and I are happy about it. Most of the missionaries assigned in other branches also welcomed her. 😊

with Bro. Benigno
with Evette
with John Ben
with Jay Mar
with Jason
with Elder Carpio

This was also my last Sunday in my area. I'm going to miss the place and the people in it.


Notable moments of this day:
  • General Conference

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