First P-Day in San Vicente

Monday, April 21, 2014


APRIL 21, 2014:
I'm really excited about my first P-Day on an island. 😀 In the morning we exercise and play basketball. My teammate is Bro. Lorenz (a YSA member) and we beat the SV Elders. I unleashed my inner Dirk shooting. I scored 20 of our 24 points. 😁

Afterward, we went and sailed to Sabang with the YSAs and youth of the SV branch. They also brought some food and they are all nice and fun.

with Elders Moran & Bacalso

They played games, sang some music, I picked up some stones (the unusual ones), enjoyed the sun, running through the sand and we're all having fun. 😄 Even though we didn't have e-mail time we still enjoyed our time today. There's also no internet/wi-fi in our area. This was a great day overall.


Notable moments of this day:
  • First P-Day in San Vicente.
    • We went to Sabang

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