Welcome to Catanduanes Island!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

VIRAC | Arrival |

APRIL 15, 2014:
We went to the Tabaco Pier around 5am and the A.P.s (E. Brown & E. Madsen) accompanied me to Catanduanes. It was my first time riding on a big ship so I'm a little bit excited but still sad to leave the Comun Group here in Tabaco. We are in the air-con area so we had a comfortable ride all the way.

Tabaco Port in Albay

After more than 3 hours we finally arrived in San Andres, Catanduanes. The Catanduanes ZLs (E.Webb & E. Centeno) met me in the port. They welcomed me nicely and after that, we travel again via tricycle to Virac (Capital of Catanduanes) in their apartment. The travel time was around 45 minutes.

When we arrived in their apartment I finally met my new companion. Elder Bacalso! 😅 I'm glad that I already knew him because he was my District mate in Tabaco and we also became temporary companions before in Tiwi via exchanges. I'm excited about our companionship. 😃 In the afternoon we work in the ZL's area. The ZLs also told us to buy some groceries because our area is far from civilization and we will only return here to Virac every two weeks. It was a fun, new, and tiring day today.

The rooftop of ZL's apartment in Virac.


Notable moments of this day:
  • First ride in Regina Shipping Lines ship
  • First day in Virac
  • Met my 3rd companion: Elder Edgardo Bacalso
    • Met my new Zone Leaders: Elder Webb & Elder Centeno
    • Met my new housemates also: Elder Moran & Elder Bagaoisan

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