'Til We Meet Again — Comun Group

Monday, April 14, 2014

TABACO | DAY 103 |

APRIL 14, 2014:
This is my last day here in my first area. 😢 Elder Todd told me last night that I will be transferred to San Vicente, Catanduanes. The most difficult area to live in Legazpi Mission according to my trainer. 😐 The only thing that I didn't know yet is who will be my next companion. I think it will be E.Bagaoisan or E.Bacalso. They just got transferred there 3 weeks ago. They also said that I will switch places with Elder Ruben. I also finished packing my stuff today.

I have a Despedida/farewell party at the Delos Santos house. Elder Carpio and other members came up with this idea. We woke up early to buy some food in the market. We rent a tricycle because time was really precious right now. When we arrived, we helped Sis. Vicky prepares the food and they cook it afterward. Around 11am-12noon we feast. Many members came and I saw in their eyes and felt that they're really sad about I'll be transferred tomorrow. So am I... 😢

After we ate, I bid my farewell message to them. I thank them for all their kindness to me during my time here in Comun, Quinastillojan, and Bantayan area. I gave some of them my stuff as a remembrance. I'll really be going to miss them. 😢

As I walk to the meeting house to bid my farewell to Brother and Sister Bonaobra, the youths joined me. They don't care if they also got wet in the rain. When we arrived at the meeting house I'm surprised that they have a special musical number for me. They sang their hearts out and each of them has a message for me. I never knew that I am special to them. That's really touching. 💖

It was an emotional day for me. Farewell, my beloved Comun Group... 'til we meet again...


Notable moments of this day:
  • Last day in Comun Group
    • Feast
    • Heartfelt messages
    • BRs/SRs
    • Farewell musical number
    • Goodbyes...

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