Standard of Excellence

Sunday, April 06, 2014


APRIL 6, 2014:
First Sunday of the month. Elder and Sister Nelson visits our group again and they are happy that they witness the confirmation of our recent converts. 😃 Pres. Brizuela of the Tabaco Branch is also in attendance to help the Young Men organization in our group. Yep! The YM is increasing in Comun and we're all happy about it. 😉 It is also my first time to set apart/ordained someone in the Aaronic Priesthood. Elder Nelson was one of the speakers today and I like his talk about self-reliance. He said that skills are important in your work and temple marriage/family sealing is an important goal to have. 

The Comun meeting house is expanding. 💪
We always arrived early.
(L to R) Me, E.Carpio, E.Nelson, E.Todd, Jay Mar and E.Yu

We proselyte in the afternoon and some members came with us. We also have new investigators. Our teaching pool is really big right now.

(L to R) Richard, Sis. Vicky, Evette, Me and E.Carpio
We had an awesome week! We hit most of the SoE(s) including baptism. We are on fire! 🔥 Standard of excellence goals helps us missionaries to work hard, be obedient, and to be a better disciple of Jesus Christ. I'm glad that I am experiencing this consistently with my companion. We are united.


Notable moments of this day:
  • Couple Missionaries attends sacrament in Comun
    • Elder Nelson's talk about Self reliance and Temple Marriage
  • We taught:
    • Delos Santos Family
    • Sis. Brucelas
    • Sis. Carla Roaring
    • Christian Serrano (NI)
    • John Mart Bon (NI)
  • SoE in:
    • Baptism & Confirmation - 3
    • Total Lessons - 37
      • MP - 17
      • OLT - 5
      • RCLA - 15
    • Referrals
      • Received - 6
      • Contacted - 6
    • New Investigators - 13

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