Tabaco City

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

TABACO | DAY 89 to 91 |

MARCH 31, 2014:
P-Day and also the last day of March. Time flies so fast when you're having fun. I did my usual P-Day routine. We ate in a small carinderia and it was good. One of the perks of having a Filipino companion is we can eat anywhere because we have the same culture. In my personal study, I finished the mastery list of Doctrine and Covenants. I particularly like this verse D&C 88:124.

My favorite fast food as a missionary. PM1.5 Spicy Chicken Inasal + Unli Rice = Pig Out!! 🐷
The most common mode of transportation here in Tabaco City, "Padyak". Kind of similar to "Pedicab/Sidecar" in my town.

APRIL 1, 2014:
When I woke up I remember my dream from last night. I dreamed of my family and many gifts. Maybe the meaning of it is my family is a very special gift from Heavenly Father to me, which is really true and I appreciate them more now more than ever. I also finished all the scripture mastery in my "mini Paris book" today.

We taught Bro. Jerusalem about Eternal Marriage. We also taught John Ben, Jay Mar, and Jason about obedience and we leave an assignment for them to read. We also had a chance to teach their neighbor, Bro. Jose. In the evening we taught Bro. Denver about obeying and honoring the law. Our last lesson for this day is when we met a former member named Sis. Judith and her daughter, Sis. Mary Fe. In our lesson/discussion to them, Bro. & Sis. Bonaobra joined us. They are really attentive to what we said to them and the daughter, Sis. Mary Fe asked good questions to be enlightened. They seem pretty interested and I hope they'll progress. 

We ate dinner at one of the stalls in front of Tabaco Mall. I always wanted to eat there because I miss the local Filipino dish. My emergency fund reached 1k+ today (that's a lot of 10 peso coins).

APRIL 2, 2014:
We had a productive day. We got a lot of referrals and we contacted them all. We had seven lessons and five new investigators.


Notable moments of March 31 to April 2:
  • Scripture Mastery List (D&C) - Done.
  • Scripture Mastery List (All) - Done.
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Jerusalem - Eternal Marriage
    • John, Jay, Jason - Obedience
    • Jose Ceneta - HTBT, L1 P1-P2
    • Denver - Obey and Honor the Law
    • Sis. Judith & Sis. Mary Fe (NI) 
  • Emergency Fund - 1000+
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Jerusalem - Temples and Family History
    • John, Jay, Jason - Obey and Honor the Law
    • Denver - SD
    • Albert - L1
    • Mac Bañez (NI)
    • Erik, Jeff, Chris Bolima (NI)
    • Vicente Bolangga (NI)

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