Purog: The Enchanting Island I

Monday, April 28, 2014

BAGAMANOC | Day 13 |

APRIL 28, 2014:
This is my best P-Day so far! 😃 Our adventures in Purog island are super fun and this island is so beautiful! We woke up early to prepare. Bro. Lanon, Bro. Ronel & Bernard accompanied us on this adventure.

Tatay Lanon (right) is the driver of this boat. He is the one who leads us to Purog. He is also a member and a hardworking father.
We went first to Cagnipa (a place connected to Sabang). It is also beautiful in there. 


We started by singing a hymn then we had an opening prayer, spiritual thought, mini-games, closing prayer, and blessing of the food. 

Elder Moran (DL) leads the opening of this activity.
Bro. Ronel and Bro. Lanon cooks fish.
This grilled fish is delicious! 😁
Buko (coconut) is happiness.
That soy sauce is the best partner for that grilled fish.
(L to R) Bro. Lanon, E. Bacalso, E. Moran & Bro. Ronel
Bro. Bernard
with E. Bagaoisan and Bernard

After we ate lunch we rest up a little bit and went to our main destination, the beautiful island of Purog. Woah. This is heavenly beautiful. The water is so clear and you can see sea creatures like starfish. This is so amazing. 😍

When we reach the land, there's a lot of rock formations. We explored and take a lot of pictures. 

To appreciate more the beauty of this island Bro. Lanon said that we should walk around it. We did that and we are really amazed. There's a lot of interesting views to see on this island. You can climb rocks, see huge waves along the shore. There's also a deep-like pond or whatever it may call that you can see all the fishes and other sea creatures. You can also see how deep it is because of the clarity of the water. It feels like it's really good to swim in it but as missionaries, we're not allowed so this is a good place to return after our mission. 

This is one heaven of a ride! I'll never forget this. We are all so happy. Thanks to the priesthood brethren that came with us. We really enjoyed our time here. Definitely one of the best P-day of my mission life. 😊


Notable moments of this day:
  • Purog adventure!

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