Far-flung Areas

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

TIWI | Day 23 to 24 |

FEBRUARY 4, 2015:
I started my extensive workout today with the supervision of E. Nibarger. He's like an MMA Trainer to me. It's hard. Haha. All of us Tiwi Elders are in one big apartment now so it's more fun. 😁 

We focused today on our far areas (Nagas Spillway & Biyong) and Bro. Zary worked with us. The Ibeas Family also invited us to eat dinner with them. We're thankful for their kindness. 

with the Ibeas Family

FEBRUARY 5, 2015:
I had a meaningful personal study. 2 Nephi 15 We did WPS afterward. We also had a productive companionship inventory. Since I arrived in Tiwi it becomes an important part of our WPS. 😅 We had a productive proselyting work in teaching RCLA members today. We found one less active member that's been waiting for missionaries/members to visit her. We are just tracting in one of our areas and Heavenly Father guided us to her. It was an awesome moment. 😊

with Elder Bahinting


Notable moments of February 4 to 5:
  • We taught:
    • Bro. Zalvie - L2 Q2-Q3
    • Ibeas Family - Family Prayer
  • Dinner with Ibeas Family
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Rosita Clet - L1 P1-P2
    • Bro. Justin - Endure to the End
    • Bro. Arnel - Sabbath Day

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