Humility & Understanding

Saturday, February 07, 2015

TIWI | Day 26 |

FEBRUARY 7, 2015:
We went to Nagas for our appointments and I saw two little cute puppies. It made me miss my dogs at home. These little creatures are stress relievers. 

We also attended the baptism of Nanay Lourdes. Many members attended her baptism and we're all happy for her. 😊

Baptism of Nanay Lourdes

In the afternoon, we split again, I'm with Bro. Whoopee, and we tract and ask for referrals. We succeeded and met new investigators. This is also our way of helping the soon-to-be missionary, Bro. Zary and also a future missionary, Bro. Whoopee. This experience is important to them. The Camara Family also invited me to eat dinner at their home. I'm grateful for their kindness. Matthew 18:21-22 is the most appropriate/relatable verse for today. 😊

Thanks Bro. Whoopee!


Notable moments of this day:
  • Humility and understanding
  • We taught:
    • Pastoral Family
    • Bro. Justin
    • Nilfa Pelca
    • Marisa Cope
    • Recuenco Family
    • Felix Catorse
    • Sis. Clet
    • Ancheta Family
  • Baptism of Nanay Lourdes
  • Dinner at Camara Family

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