Getting Acclimated

Sunday, February 01, 2015

TIWI | Day 20 |

FEBRUARY 1, 2015:
Fast and testimony Sunday. Matthew 4:4 All I can think of today is the love and sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Since I arrived here in Tiwi, I always read Elder Talmage's book "Jesus the Christ every night. It's a great book and I always learn new things about our Savior during His time here on earth. 

We had a productive day in missionary. We split for today and I worked with Bro. Whoopee. He's a good priesthood to work with. We had another heartfelt and spiritual conversation and lesson with Sis. Casquejo again. We had a good week and this is our most productive week so far. We're finally getting acclimated to our area. 😊

(L to R) me, Sis. Lilia, her grandson, Bro. Whoopee


Notable moments of this day:
  • We taught:
    • Sis. Lilia - 2 Nephi 31:19-20
    • Bro. Justin - Love & Service
    • Ibeas Family - Obedience
    • Fatima Bello (NI)
    • Lynn Mankik (NI)
    • Flora (NI)

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