Tiwi Mates

Saturday, February 14, 2015

TIWI | Day 33 |

FEBRUARY 14, 2015:
The companionship exchanges these past two days also helped us a district. I can feel that we're much closer and open to each other now. 😊 During my personal study, I learned that Melchizedek might be also Shem of the Old Testament. Genesis 14:18

(L to R) E. Bahinting, E. Nibarger, E. Reyes

After our evening appointments, we went to the house of Bro. Zary. There is some occasion in their house and they also invited us. 


Notable moments of this day:
  • Rainy V-Day
  • BSB songs outside
  • We taught:
    • Joel Clet (NI)
    • Bro. Arnel
  • Dinner at Dacuba Family

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